Wag's Nevada Politics
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid is at it again!
You may remember in my May 20th blog where I pointed out what an idiot Harry Reid is.
Well he continues to roll along......
This time he accepted free ringside tickets to three professional boxing matches from Nevada officials who were trying to influence his federal legislation regulating the sport.
Wow! If the Republicans accept something like that, Reid is outraged.
Reid further stated "they would never influence his position on the boxing bill and that he was simply trying to learn how his legislation might affect an important home state industry."
You want the world to believe you needed to sit in the front row of several events to determine how legislation might affect them? That's like a bank robber saying he robbed the bank simply trying to determine how safe the bank is!
Reid is further quoted as saying "Anyone from Nevada would say I'm glad he is there taking care of the state's No. 1 businesses."
Well, Harry, I am from Nevada, and that is not at all what I would say! What I would say Harry is "you are greedy and do not have anyone's interest at heart but your own." As far as taking care of Nevada's business, the only business you care about is Harry Reid's retirement fund.
"People who deal with me and have over the years know that I am an advocate for what I believe in. I always try to do it fair, never take advantage of people on purpose," Reid said. The Senate Democratic Leader said his only concern was "the willingness of the press ... to take these instances and try to make a big deal out of them."
Yeah, Harry, when the press looks into your business, they are just making a big deal out of it. When you can use the press against the Republicans it is OK, but when the tables are reversed, listen to you squeal "what's the big deal."
Your quote "Never take advantage of people on purpose."
I love that quote, a politician's way of saying "I will take advantage of people, but never on purpose."
You don't have to worry though Harry, because as you have done in the past, you can run your campaign in Nevada by telling us even though you are a Democrat, you are an independent thinker who only cares about what is right and wrong and about Nevada. When it comes time to be reelected, you have voters of Nevada actually thinking that, because of your seniority, you will keep Yucca Mountain out of Nevada. What is right and wrong and about Nevada will never come up.
As a downwinder who lived in Moapa, NV, during the above-ground Atomic Testing, I believe Yucca Mountain would be better and safer for Nevada than you are!
There are a lot of voters who are new to Nevada and do not know how Howard Cannon had the voters thinking his seniority was too valuable to lose. Then along comes a dress shop owner who dethroned Howard, and Nevada survived Cannon's scare tactics as well. One can only hope the newer citizens to Nevada do not follow the "keep them in office like Kennedy" mentality.
As a side note, I find it interesting that from Las Vegas to the nothing town of Searchlight, NV,(your hometown) there is a four-lane highway that turns into a two-lane highway once you leave. The majority of the highways from Las Vegas, NV, to our state capital in Carson City, NV, are two-lane highways. Makes sense to you, huh, Harry?
In my May 20th blog I stated "You just don't get it."
Well, Harry, it appears you have gotten it over and over! Ah, the sound of silver dollars as they clank in the tray!
As you say "I always try to do it fair." You need to add "if others are getting graft, I will too as it is only fair."
But, rest easy Harry, when you retire, if you want another job you can join the Mystère by Cirque du Soleil show here in Las Vegas. The tourists will pay dearly to see you put your foot in your mouth at the same time you have your head up your ass like you do now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!