A little of this, a little of that
Not to make light of this, but I wonder if she was wearing a cross your heart bra?
TAMPA, Fla. - A 44-year-old woman escaped serious injury from a gunshot Sunday thanks to her seat belt and a thick bra strap, authorities said.
Robin Key, 44, of Riverview, Fla., was shot through the windshield of the car she was riding in Sunday. She said she felt a searing pain in her shoulder.
Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies said a .38-caliber bullet smashed through the windshield then bounced off Key's shoulder — thanks to a seat belt and a thick bra strap.
Sounds Like she had big holsters. I think she might have had bigger guns than the shooter!
A promising colt named Barbaro.
Kentucky Derby 2006

You have to love him. Let's hope his life can be saved.
Chicago Cubs reach new low

How much longer do the Cubs fans have to endure the embarrassment?
It is time to fire Dusty Baker and fire up the Cubs!!!
Only in Utah
City prohibits shave ice sales until June 1
(5/16/06 - PROVO, UT) - Temperatures are in the mid-80s, but don't look for a refreshing shave-ice treat in Provo until next month. The city prohibits its sale before June 1.
Why do they care if someone sells shave ice before June 1st ?
King worries pictures of women could lead young men astray
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - King Abdullah has told Saudi editors to stop publishing pictures of women as they could make young men go astray.
Ya think? You mean there is more than oil and camels?
Man arrested after taking photos of pot plants to drugstore developer
An east Georgia man landed in jail after photographing his healthy plants and going to a local drug store to have the pictures developed.
A photo lab technician called police after seeing the subject of the photos. Officers confirmed the plants in the pictures were marijuana.
Hmmmm, the photo lab technician recognized the picture of the plants! Very astute!!
And so it goes from Wag's world. Stay in touch and stay tuned!
Shaved Ice in Utah too early may lead to halter tops and shorts that are above the knee. We have to limit anything that could contribute to inappropriate behavior. All of us in Utah know that if we don't control things like this, it may lead to people mixing all the flavors in the snow shack and making a Suicide Snow Cone. Oh the thought!!!
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