Saturday, May 13, 2006

I'm Just Curious......(part 1)

Why did it become ok for the retail stores to put up Christmas decorations before Halloween and Thanksgiving?

Who are they who say we can’t say Merry Christmas?

Who are they who say we can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance?

Who are they who say we have to remove the word God from money, buildings and everywhere else?

Why do “they” (2%) change the way “we” (98%) live?

Who are they?

Why do we need the ACLU?

Who coined the term “politically correct”?

What does “politically correct” mean?

Who gives out the handicapped parking tags?

Why do 95% of the people you see with handicapped stickers parking in designated areas move faster and better than most of the rest of us?

Why, in the United States where English is our language, do we have to dial 1 for English and 2 for Spanish?

Why, if we have to push 1 for English and 2 for Spanish, don’t we have to push 3 for German, 4 for Chinese, 5 for Russian and so on and so on?

Why is it 90% of the time when you push 1 for English you can’t understand the person that answers the phone?

Why, especially in the Sears stores, are 50% of their announcements in Spanish?

Why is it when you call for any warranty by phone assistance, the person you talk to is in another country (except Mexico) and they can never help you?

Why is there always someone at the movies who talks out loud?

Why can’t teachers give students a failing grade anymore?

Why do parents think little Johnny might be scarred for life if he is told no?

What is wrong with kids playing dodge ball?


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