Thursday, May 18, 2006

Who's Kidding Whom?

Immigration reform?

Why, just because of concern about votes? Hello! Forget reform and just enforce the laws that are on the books.

It is easy to say employers can’t tell if the papers are legitimate! Really, do they check?

If the documents are so easy to counterfeit, has anyone considered changing the documents? Kinda like we do with our paper money to keep it from being counterfeited.

Build a wall. Yeah, in some areas there is a wall with a hole in it. Where? Ask the news media - they take pictures as illegals climb through.

Send in the National Guard to patrol the borders? Why not just have the news media call Immigration on their cell phones as they are filming the illegals swarming into the United States. No brainer!

No amnesty program - Wanna bet? The politicians don’t listen to the legal citizens that elected them - they just fight with each other and worry about the illegal voters.

Quote “There are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently, and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record.” Really? What is the difference, and how can you have a clean record if you broke the law by crossing the border? Does the word illegal mean anything?

The Senate voted on Wednesday to exclude illegal immigrants convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors from a chance at remaining in the United States under what critics say is an amnesty program. Wow smart!!

Under the current laws, can an illegal immigrant convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors remain in the United States?

Under the current laws, can an illegal immigrant remain in the United States? I'd guess over 12 million.

Who’s kidding Whom?

Isn’t it the charge of every law enforcement agency to arrest illegal immigrants?

Why is it just the Immigration Agency that can arrest criminals, oh, I mean illegals?

What is Homeland Security supposed to be doing? Isn’t part of their jobs to find and detain illegal immigrants?

Who’s kidding whom? This is just politics as usual - Republicans vs. Democrats. To hell with the citizens of the United States.

Buenos noches.
Gotta go study my Spanish now.


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