Well, here it is Sunday, and another weekend has disappeared. Whoever coined the phrase "time flies" was a very astute person
The topic I have picked for today is lost art.
For anyone who knows my history of being raised in the town of Moapa, Nevada, population of between 15 to 25 people, depending on how many people stopped at Eli's bar in Moapa, will know that I am, of course, an expert in lost art.
The lost art I am talking about is not paintings on canvas, sculptures, or anything like that.
I think almost everyone will recognize the lost art I am talking about, but if you happen to be a pet owner you will recognize the art immediately.
Let me digress, my dog Zoe' insists, yes insists, on visiting the park everyday no matter the weather. Every night at 7 p.m. she meets up with a group of her dog friends in the numbers of anywhere from 5 to 20. Naturally, that means I visit with anywhere from 5 to 20 pet owners regularly a night. These park visits last about two hours as the dogs play and their owners solve all of the world's problems.
Now comes the lost art part! During our outings to the park, fair-weather people walking will pass our outpost. Someone in our group always says 'hi', 'hello', 'how are you', 'hi there', 'hello nice dog', 'hi great evening' to the people walking, so no one walks by without a greeting.
Well, much to my surprise, a greeting is the lost art because you would be shocked at how many people will ignore us. When this happens, I have been told by the folks that I must have been the reason they didn't speak. But, of course, they like to make jokes.
Personally, I am at a loss why the art of saying hello has been lost. Saying hello does not cost a penny - it is one of the few things that is still free. There is little or no pain involved in opening your mouth and uttering 'hi', 'hello', 'how are you', 'whasssup', 'hey', 'what up', or anything close to a greeting.
Today, this posting is my recruitment of all of you to search for the lost art! I am asking that all of you say 'hi', 'hello', 'how are you', or any nice greeting you know to everyone you see as a reminder to people so they can find the lost art they may have not experienced in a while. Please, will you all join me in this quest to find the lost art and share the beauty of that art with others?
Another star has graciously agreed to post her picture on the site. Her name is Maggie. She is a border collie who loves to run.

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