Tuesday's Odds 'n Ends
Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., works cheap for sure.
Congressman Taped Taking $100,000, FBI Says
According to Court Papers, He Hid Cash in Foil in Freezer.
They call that cold hard cash!
Republican Randy "Duke" Cunningham of California
accepted bribes on a scale unparalleled in the history of Congress.
He didn't work cheap for sure!
MIAMI (May 16) - A doctor with a slew of world fishing records added another one to his collection when he caught a 385-pound lemon shark on fly tackle, the International Game Fish Association said Tuesday.
Yeah right, sounds like a fish story to me.
KDDI, Sony to develop walkman cell phone
Downloadable music phone can operate about 30 hours on single charge.
Wow! And people complain about drivers on cell phones now!
'Healthy' foods a pitfall for dieters
Products marketed as wholesome often loaded with calories, experts say. Many brands of granola, for example, can be packed with up to 600 calories per cup and are loaded with more sugar than a cup of Cap’n Crunch.
Give me the Cap'n Crunch, geeezzzzz have you tasted granola? I'm not an expert, but I have always known that meat, potatoes and bread are healthy foods, not a pitfall, and they taste good too!
Search for Hoffa Continues
Horses graze a field at Hidden Dreams Farm in Milford Township, Mich., where federal agents are digging in the search for the body of former Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa.

Clues to Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance three decades ago could be buried in the pastures of a Michigan horse farm, but scientists said investigators face plenty of obstacles in finding the remains of the former Teamsters boss.
Ok, and what is the budget for this? Does the FBI have nothing better to focus on right now? Why not bring in a horse whisperer and ask the horses where Hoffa is buried?
Barbaro has 'long road ahead' to survive
The colt still faces a long and perilous road to recovery and chances for survival were still 50-50. But no matter the pain, after the horse has 5-hour operation on badly broken leg, he shows interest in mares.
Now there's a true champion!!!!!!
Endangered fish get a shot at Vegas honeymoon
Two couples of Devils Hole pupfish taken to Mandalay Bay aquarium to see if they'll breed there.
This makes sense because "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"
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