As the World Churns
He's Taylor Hicks, and he's the new American Idol.
Can he overcome obstacles like an original song that sounds like it was written in the dark ages (“Do I Make You Proud?” ). Is the show getting its music from the Song Book For Dummies?
There were 63.4 million votes cast for the final vote. In case you missed it, that is more votes than have ever been cast for the President of the United States. I repeat, more votes than have ever been cast for the President of the United States.
In my May 5th blog I suggested we use the same format for electing politicians. Maybe it was a good idea after all.
This is a sad commentary, more votes cast for someone to entertain us than have been cast for any president in the history of the United States. We can all listen to tunes on our iPODs and watch sports while the country goes to hell in a handbasket!!!
FBI Raid Reverberates on Capitol Hill
The Saturday night search of Rep. William Jefferson's office on Capitol Hill brought Democrats and Republicans together in rare election-year accord, with both parties protesting agency conduct they said violated the Constitution's separation of powers doctrine.
"Not anyone here is above the law," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters Tuesday. But, she added, "I think you've seen abuse of power of the executive branch over this weekend."
I guess taking bribes is not seen as an abuse of power by those on Capitol Hill.
The FBI's raid on a Democrat's office rippled through Capitol Hill Wednesday, with majority Republicans demanding that the agency surrender documents and other items its agents seized under what lawmakers said were unconstitutional circumstances.
Boy does this smell!
I bet the shredders in the Capitol Hill offices were running overtime.
Over the years I have noticed that more often than not the guilty people are the ones that cry foul first and loudest!!!
As of today, more politicians of all parties were jumping on the outrage bandwagon. Typical, they think they are above the law. As they say "Show me the Money."
Data theft not reported for two weeks
Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson said “I am outraged at the loss of this veterans’ data and the fact an employee would put it at risk by taking it home in violation of our policies.”
The 26.5 million veterans can take comfort in the fact that Jim Nicholson is outraged.
Burglars on May 3 took the government-owned laptop and disks from the VA employee's suburban Maryland home. The equipment contained information mainly on veterans discharged since 1975.
No one has explained why the mysterious employee had the laptop and disks at home in the first place.
Isn't it interesting that his suburban home was burglarized that very evening. Convenient or just a coincidence ?????
The thieves stole equipment containing the data. There was no evidence the home was targeted for the data or that the thieves even knew they had it.
Yeah, right, and I have ocean front property in Kansas I'll sell you.
There was no evidence the home was targeted for the data.
And they know this how since they have no clues?
If the thieves didn't know what was on there before, they do now since the affected veterans and the rest of the world were notified via the entire news media.
The agency has said it was seeking to act promptly to inform veterans by setting up a telephone hot line and a Web site.
"They are telling veterans to go call your creditors."
Another case of too little too late!
The 26.5 million veterans should have been notified by telephone and certified mail. The rest of the people not affected, including the thieves, did not need to know anything about this until the FBI arrests the thieves.
WASHINGTON (May 25) - The head of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs faced angry lawmakers on Thursday and described how the theft of a device the size of an iPod containing personal data on 26.5 million veterans may cost taxpayers as much as $500 million.
Aw, just one or two more taxes added on ought to cover the employee's indiscretion.
Veterans will have to be vigilant "for decades" to make sure they do not become victims of identity thieves.
No really, now you insult the intelligence of our Veterans.
"There is no sign that any of this (stolen names, Social Security numbers, and birth dates) is being used at this time," Nicholson said.
Nicholson, "Here's your sign"!!!!!
Criminals can use such data in credit-card fraud and other identity theft.
Wow, I didn't know that such data could be used like that. I wonder if the thieves knew they could use it for those things? That Jim Nicholson is soooooo smart!
Mexico's Fox meets with leaders in Seattle.
Mexican President Vicente Fox was on his Presidential campaign tour of the United States, which if he has his way, will soon be the United Colonies of Mexico.
Mexican President Vicente Fox, speaking in English, pledged to work with the U.S. on immigration reform to make the transition of Mexico reclaiming the United States as Mexican territory as easy as possible.
You gotta love this, President Bush travels around the United States speaking Spanish, and President Fox travels around the United States speaking English. God help us all!!!
Lay 'Shocked' by Enron Verdict
Former Enron Chiefs Convicted in One of the Biggest Business Scandals in U.S. History.
Lay sat with his wife, Linda, his daughter, Elizabeth Vittor, a member of his defense team, and Linda Lay's daughter, Robyn. As Lay clutched Linda Lay's hand, the three women leaned forward and began to sob quietly.
Then as they quietly sobbed, one by one they leaned closer and each pleaded with him to give them the offshore account number so they could access the money since he no longer can use it.
"I firmly believe I'm innocent of the charges against me," Lay said following the hearing. "We believe that God in fact is in control and indeed He does work all things for good for those who love the lord."
Wow, this criminal found God after lying, stealing, cheating, and destroying other's lives, but before going to jail. Most criminals find God about sentencing time. I wonder why he said we instead of I?

God is my copilot.
And it continues, this time in Nebraska;
A convicted child molester in Sidney, Nebraska is being spared the cruel rigors of prison life for one simple reason: he's too damn short. Richard W. Thompson, 50, was sentenced Tuesday to two counts of sexually assaulting a minor. "What you have done is absolutely inexcusable," said District Judge Kristine Cecava of Cheyenne County. "Can I make other children safe from you? You are a sex offender, and you did it to a child." But Cecava couldn't bring herself to send the 5-foot, 1-inch Thompson to prison, for fear the little fella would have been eaten alive. So rather than protect the children of Sidney, the judge decided to protect Thompson. "That doesn't make you a hunter. You do not fit in that category," Cecava added. "I'm going to try to put together some kind of order to keep you out of prison."
How do I even begin to comment on this stupidity? One way to keep him out of prison is for her to take his place in prison.
And I'll close with this news report hot off the wire:
Upon hearing of the Nebraska case, Michael Jackson has summoned his plastic surgeons to amputate his legs and reattach his feet making him exactly 5' 1" tall.
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