Jesus Is My Co-Pilot
I don't care if it rains or freezes long as I got my plastic Jesus glued onto the dashboard of my car.

On the first 5 days the attorneys prepared the speech, on the 6th day they said to Michael "Say these words to the judge then give your hands to God because your butt is going to jail" and on the 7th day the attorneys rested!!!
I know by now you are all tired of hearing me talk about Michael Vick, but in honor of the dogs I feel compelled to add to my previous comments.
I'm sad to report that one of my all-time heroes, Hank Aaron, has weighed in on the Michael Vick killing of dogs and my former all-time hero doesn't get it either.

As Barry Bonds was breaking Hank Aaron's all-time home run record, Aaron went out of his way to avoid coming right out and saying what he thinks of Bonds.
Barry Bonds' crime is being arrogant and taking steroids, and Aaron doesn't like him for that.
You all know Michael Vick's crime and this is what Aaron thinks of him: Aaron, who is on the Falcons' board of directors, called Vick "a very good guy" and seemed to blame Vick's problems on the "bad apples" he associates with - "Your association is what brings on a lot of these things," Aaron, who played nine Major League Baseball seasons with the Atlanta Braves, told reporters today in Atlanta. "You can be as good as you want to be, but if you associate yourself with bad apples, you're eventually going to be bad yourself."
Aaron either doesn't get it, has gone senile or, since he is on the Falcons' board of directors, has given way to his moral beliefs because it is all about the money!
It's hard to understand how anyone could look at the the evidence of what those four guys did together and not agree that Vick is just as much a bad apple as his three former pals.
How could anyone examine the evidence and say that Vick is "a very good guy?"
Vick spent seven years bankrolling a criminal enterprise, blamed his family when he got caught, and only showed remorse when he thought remorse could lessen his prison sentence.
Oh, and also in a mere 3 weeks he found Jesus. There must be some great missionaries out there that could change Vick that quick!!
Mr. Aaron, I'm very confused. I've examined the evidence, and Michael Vick is not a good person. I would like to know what evidence you examined to come to your conclusion. Please forward me your evidence so I can enlighten my readers. Inquiring minds want to know!!
Why do people assume Vick's friends were the bad apples that brought Vick down? Could it be Vick is a bad apple that brought his friends down? After all, Vick had the money and influence to do just that.
The friends on the other hand catered to Vick's request as he was obviously the banker in this whole deal.
The following story is how dogs should be treated:
Dogs to Take Over NY Swimming Pools
RAMAPO, N.Y. - Every dog has its day, and for those in this suburban town it's Sept. 9: That's when the pooches will have a pool party.
For the fourth year, Ramapo will mark the end of the dog days of summer with a canine swim at the town pools at the Spook Rock Park.
The event raises money for animal care, educates people about dogs, and gives the dogs a chance to have some doggone fun, organizers said Monday.
More than 250 dogs took a dip at last year's event, called the Dog Days of Summer K-9 Pool Party. Smaller dogs used the kiddie pool, while larger dogs used the main pool.
The town stopped the pools' chlorine treatment before the event because it couldn't figure out a way to keep the dogs from drinking the water. Humans weren't allowed in while the dogs were swimming.
Kudos to Ramapo, N.Y. It's refreshing to see something nice about dogs for a change!!
So that's it for today.
The wife stopped by to inform me it is time for another great adventure to Flagstaff, Arizona.

Being the genius I am, I decided I better put a wrap on the blog until at least next Tuesday!!
So my friends until then, have a good weekend and...
“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”