Mid-Week Madness
Now these are some smart kids:
Say no to green beans!!
They Fought the Lunch Lady -- and Won
LAS VEGAS - Even someone who believes you can fight city hall might think twice before taking on the lunch lady. But some second-graders who raised their voices over reheated frozen green beans are being rewarded with tastier vegetables.
As a result of the students' campaign, the food service department of the Clark County School District sent staff to the school to see what alternatives they preferred.
Because of cost restrictions, the children's only real choices were between canned and frozen green beans, corn, cooked or raw carrots and cooked or cold peas.
Corn and carrots were popular; cooked peas, not so much.
No brainer there, corn and raw carrots!!
Speaking of no brainers:
Researchers Count 237 Reasons for Sex
Scholars in antiquity began counting the ways that humans have sex, but they weren’t so diligent in cataloging the reasons humans wanted to get into all those positions. Darwin and his successors offered a few explanations of mating strategies — to find better genes, to gain status and resources — but they neglected to produce a Kama Sutra of sexual motivations.
For now, thanks to psychologists at the University of Texas at Austin, we can at last count the whys.
Who pays for this research anyway. I could have saved them time and money had they asked!!
Actually they missed 3 for a total of 240!!
Be careful when you ask your boss for a raise:
Car Dealer Accused of Two Murders
A financially strapped owner of a car dealership tells authorities he was under stress when he killed two employees because they kept asking for pay raises, police say.
Pump up the volume:
Police attack gangs with Bach, Beethoven
Authorities try to disrupt gangs by playing classical music in transit center
The tactic is designed to disperse young criminals who make drug deals at the bus stop or use public transportation to circulate between the mall and other trouble-prone places.
The attack by Bach, Brahms and Beethoven follows the theory that prompted the city to stage pinochle games on dangerous street corners: Jolting the routine in such spots throws criminals off balance.
Personally I think I like Chopin's fifth twice removed!!
OK it's Wednesday, we are half way there!!!

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