Half Bad, Half Good
Sad news as Las Vegas loses a great TV personality:
Remembering Jordan Fredericks
Frederick McDuff of Jordan, AKA "Jordan" 1/30/94 - 8/04/07

Our beloved friend and News 3 family member Jordan Fredericks has ended his adventure here on Earth. I have no doubt he has already joined his old friends and is waiting patiently for his Dad just this side of Rainbow Bridge. He did not suffer in his final moments. He simply went to sleep in my arms and in the compassionate loving care of Dr. Kristine Ziegler of the Sahara Pines Animal Hospital. I want to thank you and everyone in the community who welcomed Jordan into your hearts and homes these past 11 years. Anyone who would like to pay tribute to my sweet boy may do so by making any small donation in his name to the Nevada Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, NSPCA: 873-7722
Services are pending and will be announced at the appropriate time.
More sad news:
This guy spends the majority of his time here in Las Vegas signing autographs in the Forum mall.
Pete Rose Swears at Little Kids

The US Army hosted a "Reds' Legends Baseball Camp" for kids in the Cincinnati area. Given the name and all, they invited a bunch of Reds' legends to come and talk to the collection of 7- to 14-year-olds assembled. Apparently, they thought it was a good idea to invite Pete Rose to come talk. It wasn't.
"It was a complete embarrassment," said Staff Sgt. Steven Tischer, commander of the Colerain-Highland Ridge U.S. Army Recruiting Station that sponsored the baseball camp for 7- to 14-year-olds. "You don't swear in front of kids, that's just common sense. He dropped the F-bomb and the S-bomb. He told them winning is everything and if you get second place you're just losers."
Nice talk from a guy who doesn't have money enough to survive without speaking engagements and selling his autograph.
Sad, sad man - talk about a loser!!! He needs to set up shop in another town because he gives Las Vegas a bad name!!
OK I'm not sure how this works, but I guess I better keep a close watch just in case.
Bloggers Consider Forming Labor Union
In a move that might make some people scratch their heads, a loosely formed coalition of left-leaning bloggers are trying to band together to form a labor union they hope will help them receive health insurance, conduct collective bargaining or even set professional standards.
Hey I too want benefits and higher wages for writing this blog. Sweet!!!
Historical moment in time at our house:

Take a look, ladies and gentleman, at the first Rose on the Rose tree Ron and Ben gave us. Woo hoo!!!
It has to be the Epsom Salts that made this baby grow!!
It sure is pretty
Ben Ron
Cant' believe Pete Rose! Did he not learn anything!!!!!!!!!! What a looser.
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