Simple Minds
Ok my rant today is simple.
All the politicians are running for president and all they are talking about is the war, immigration, and how bad the current and past presidents are and were.
It's easy to be a politician these days. You don't have to address real issues, you just have to attack the others you are running against.
They even act like they are running against the current president. I guess they are too stupid to realize he is out of office at the end of his term.
So they want to get elected by telling us how bad the past has been and how bad the opponents are. Original thinkers? I think not!
Just once I would like one of them to step up to the plate and address real issues.
I don't give two hoots as to what was done wrong in the past, but I do care about what is done right in the future.
All of our highways and bridges are falling apart.
Our food is no longer inspected like it should be.
We import everything and have lost our ability to be self sufficient.
And on and on, I'm sure you see where I'm going on that.
Their response is we need to raise taxes to fix the bridge that collapsed or we need to balance the foreign trade market. Slap me stupid again, will ya?
The United States needs to send foreign aid to the United States.
Time to keep our taxes here as it is obvious that all the money spent in foreign aid gains us nothing.
We give billions and billions in foreign aid to countries that want to destroy us!!
If the money were spent fixing the things that are in dire need here at home we would all benefit.
Imagine all the jobs it would create and the money that would be pumped into our economy.
But like everything else I say, who listens? How can a great country go stupid so fast?
We used to have a can-do attitude, now we have a give away and import it attitude!!
Eisenhower had the insight to give us freeways, tunnels, and bridges with our tax dollar and today's politicians want to sell them to foreign investors, go figure.
We have problems here at home but we still spend billions flying to the moon and are working on going to Mars.
Hey, but what the heck. Need more money? Raise taxes!!
I wish I didn't have to worry about what I spend, just go ask for more from the boss when I want to spend myself stupid like the politicians do!!
Am I the only one who is outta the loop and at a loss as to why that is more important than the infrastructure of the United States?
OK now check out this height of stupidity from a discount store.

I know, your first thought is wow that is expensive steak.
Let's look a little closer at something worse.
Additional Info:
This product is covered by the Sam's Club Member Satisfaction Guarantee.
Assembled Country of Origin:
Components Country of Origin:
USDA organic
No antibiotics or hormones administered, and no colors or artificial ingredients added
Lean and low sodium
Organic Grass Fed Beef
Pure, healthy and great tasting
Humane treatment of animals and free-range living
Four 6 oz. steaks individually Cryovac packed, 1.5 lbs.
Freeze immediately upon receipt
After thawing, do not re-freeze
Cook within 3 days after thawing, store in refrigerator
Product of Uruguay and Australia, processed in the USA
That's right, according to their own information your organic steak is assembled in the United States, but it appears the steak itself is imported.
Notice this in their ad as well:
Humane treatment of animals and free-range living.
So you kill the cow to eat it and they call that humane? I sure don't call that free-range living as they advertise!!
Does that mean he got grain for his last meal?
Product of Uruguay and Australia. I've heard of Australia but I thought they ate kangaroos.
Where the heck is Uruguay anyway and can they be trusted as much as the Chinese?
I know I am a little outta touch but last time I heard the phrase Organic Grass was in the 70's and it was some premo stuff man. Those must be some very happy cows.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Our country is going to hell in a hand basket!! Oh wait, an imported hand basket no less.
As I close today, it must be tear drops falling from my eyes as I am saddened to think nobody in power cares about the country anymore!!
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