Monday, August 13, 2007

AOL Sucks

Today my post will be very short!!

Why you ask? Well I'll tell you why.

AOL decided to boot me off as they do on an all-too-often basis.

So what you ask?

Well, I write this blog on AOL and forward it to my editor Pat who is kind enough to post it for me.

Since I'm not creative it takes me hours to write the silly thing and once completed then Pat has to do her thing.

Sometimes due to the time I send it to her, she is up late posting it on the blog for me.

The one I had for today was just complete when AOL decided to shut me off which means all was lost.

So today when you don't get all the news you can use, blame AOL.

I think there was a conspiracy against what I was going to post today as I did mention politics and taxes.

Now it is too late to try to recreate such an outstanding post and if I could recreate it, it would be the wee hours in the morning before my editor got it which would be unfair to her as well!!

So thank you AOL and all your technicians in India that have been unable to solve this stupid problem!!

And thanks to those of you that stopped by today!!


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