From Space to Animals with Hooters in Between
Space - the final frontier.
Huge asteroid to fly closely past Earth
Half-mile-wide rock to streak by just beyond moon's distance

An asteroid possibly as large as a half-mile or more in diameter is rapidly approaching the Earth. There is no need for concern, for no collision is in the offing, but the space rock will make an exceptionally close approach to our planet early on Monday, July 3, passing just beyond the Moon’s average distance from Earth.
There is no need for concern, really, then what is up with the following story?
NASA to formulate asteroid defense plan
Congress cites NASA 's “unique competence” to deal with hazard

VAIL, Colo. - NASA has begun a fact-finding appraisal of how best to detect, track, catalog and characterize near-Earth asteroids and comets — and what can be done to deflect an object found on course to strike our planet. NASA is on a fast track to give Congress an initial report by year’s end that will include an analysis of possible alternatives for diverting an object on a likely collision course with Earth. Given the likely scenario of decades of warning time, “this is not a last-minute search-and-destroy mission.”
I saw the movie Armageddon and it was a last minute thing. Thank God Bruce Willis saved the world from the asteroid or you would not be reading this blog right now!!!!!!!
As with my post on 6-22-06, this astrology stuff is really interesting. I have added it to my blog to reach a larger viewing audience. With such a well-rounded blog as this one, I can't figure out where my readers are. Tell your friends:
I know I am shameless.
Nun Accused of Stealing $300G Turns Self In
OMAHA, Neb. - A nun accused of stealing more than $300,000 from the Omaha Archdiocese turned herself in. Sister Barbara Markey, 71, turned herself in to Omaha Police on Wednesday, after a warrant was issued for her arrest on June 22. She was released on her own recognizance later that day. According to the warrant, an audit revealed that Markey spent $307,545 for her own use or without documentation. The audit showed: Of the money, $81,149 went to cash and cash advances; $67,656 was spent on casinos; $33,488 was spent on gifts for family and friends; and $24,775 was spent for airfare, miles and transportation, according to the audit. The audit also showed that Markey opened a Great Western bank account in June 1999 and drew $76,628 from that account to make payments on her personal Visa.
Wow, if that is the Catholic vow of poverty, they must have a waiting list of wannabe Nuns. Which reminds me, with all the press about the Priests being pedophiles with easy prey (not pray), I hear Michael Jackson is studying for the Priesthood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And in a related story...
You know religion used to be studied more at home in the old days. I remember before my wife and I got married, she lived in an apartment and her next door neighbor was very religious. As you know, the walls of apartments are a little thin. Well, we could hear the girl next door during her bible studies. She used to do the studies throughout the evening. She was very good sharing her studies because several men a night would stop by, one at a time, at about 1 hour intervals. I remember her sermons like they were yesterday. I would tell Vic to turn down her TV so I could hear them better. Within a couple of minutes of her study partner arriving she would start just like an old time revival. She would start praising the Lord. You would hear her scream 'oh my God,' 'Oh Jesus, oh yes Jesus,' then, 'oh my God, oh God Jesus, yes, yes, Oh Jesus I'm almost there.' Well, she praised the Lord a lot for sure! I doubt the donations to her church were like the organized churches of today!!!!
L.A. shoots down ‘Hooters for Neuters’
Bikini contest fund-raiser for pet spaying, neutering program raises hackles
LOS ANGELES - The city of Los Angeles' Animal Services Department will not accept money from a planned bikini contest fund-raiser called "Hooters for Neuters." Animal Services Director Ed Boks reconsidered Tuesday after city officials said the event was degrading to women. The money was slated for the department's spay and neuter programs.
City Controller Laura Chick said. "We are a city with all kinds of progressive programs that empower women and end discrimination in the workplace, and now we're being connected with a Hooters bikini contest. It isn't right."
Councilwoman Jan Perry said the department's attempt to be creative in telling pet owners to sterilize their animals "crosses the line." "I was surprised and amazed with the photograph on the flier, and I don't think it projects a good image for the city of Los Angeles," Perry said.
You gotta love this one.
1. Why is it considered degrading to some women who choose to label some women who choose to work and get paid to wear a bikini. The women wearing them don't feel it's degrading or they wouldn't have applied for the job.
2. End discrimination in the workplace - what discrimination?
3. Both the complainers are women.
4. With a name like Laura that is degrading to women.
5. Once again someone tries to do something nice and a few complain, so the pets will suffer.
6. This was in Los Angeles where, since the invention of silicone, big hooters are a way of life, and they are worried that hard working women employed in legal, good-paying jobs is degrading.
7. Who are these women to judge other women anyway?
And in a related story
Boo bashes way to freedom, avoids neutering
Grizzly smashes 400-pound steel door, rips through two electric fences
GOLDEN, British Columbia - A freedom-loving grizzly bear named Boo smashed a heavy steel door and barreled through two electric fences to escape a second time from a resort near this south-central British Columbia town.
"It's unbelievable," spokesman Dalzell said. "We thought there was no way, it was absolutely impossible, but he found a way. It was basically like breaking out of Fort Knox." He said the bear bashed a nearly 400-pound steel door off its four bolts, destroyed an electrical box while tearing through two electric fences and scrambled over a 12-foot fence anchored with 2 feet of steel below ground.
Hello! This is no surprise, the bear was avoiding neutering. Can't blame him there, that will make a guy pretty strong for sure. Boy, add this story to my past stories and next one about bears and it shows they have been a busy bunch.
Bear Tries to Get Through Kitchen Window
NEVADA CITY, Calif. - Debbie Yates heard commotion in the kitchen before going to work and assumed it was the family cats knocking items off the counter. When she investigated, she was shocked to find a bear trying to squeeze its way through a window.
"I saw a big, brown bear, a third of the way coming in through the kitchen window," I raised my hands and yelled, 'Get out! Get out!' And lucky for me, it did."
Or was the bear shocked after one look at Debbie Yates?
I wonder if these bears are a relative of the bears mentioned in my 6-21-06 post?
OK my friends, as I sign off I will tell you one of my loyal readers, shown here, has heard of my plight to increase readers of this blog.

He has vowed to demonstrate until everyone is reading I know, he is shameless!