Monday, June 26, 2006

Equal Time and More

OK today I start off my blog with equal time.

Those of you loyal readers I'm sure have figured out by now that I am the first to criticize Senator Harry Reid from the great state of Nevada.

One of my loyal readers, Mr. A.G. Baxter, Master Chief Petty Officer E-9 Ret., has pointed out something Harry actually did right.

So in the interest of fair blogging here is equal time.

Last night the Senate approved an amendment to S. 2766 sponsored by Senator Reid (D-NV) that would end the benefit offset on military retirees deemed "unemployable" by the VA. These disabled veterans are certified as being unable to work because of their service-related disabilities and compensated by the VA at the 100% disabled rate. These disabled retirees have a large share of their VA disability compensation deducted from their service-earned retired pay. Last year, Congress voted to end this unfair practice - but not until 2009. Most 100% disabled retirees are seriously ill with life shortening disabilities and thereby suffer the most from the offset. They deserve their full earned retired pay now.

Way to go Harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top Court Rules Against Illegal Immigrant

The Supreme Court on Thursday by an 8-1 vote dealt a blow to longtime illegal residents, ruling that a deported Mexican man who lived in the United States for 20 years is barred from seeking legal residency or other relief in the courts.

After his last deportation in 1981, Fernandez-Vargas, who was deported several times from the 1970s to 1981, returned to the United States, fathered a child, started a trucking company in Utah and eventually married his longtime companion, a U.S. citizen.

Finally the supreme court takes action. Bout time. Wonder who the lone no vote was?

Worker Switch Flick Goof Costs Company $11 Million

A worker accidentally tripping a shut-off switch at a major Ontario plastics plant will cost Nova Chemicals Corp. $11 million in lost profit.

A contractor's employee installing a structural steel platform at an ethylene plant in Corunna, Ontario, mistakenly activated a process shutdown switch on Monday afternoon.

I can see how this happened now. Hey George, get the lights will ya!! No, the other switch you moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woman Practicing for Test Drives Into Canal

A 19-year-old woman may have to practice a little more after driving a borrowed taxi into a canal just before she was scheduled to take her driver's license test Wednesday. The woman was practice driving around the parking lot in his car before she took the test. The next thing he knew she was driving through the bushes and into the canal.

Sounds like she was practicing to be a taxi driver to me!!!!!!!!!

Man's Message in Bottle Found After His Death

Years after casting a bottled-up note into a lake for a class project and just one year after his death, a man's childhood message has been found and returned to his mother. Eleven years ago, a then 10-year-old Joshua Baker wrote the message nestled in an empty vanilla container.

He died last February following a motor vehicle accident in California. He had recently returned home after serving in the Middle East as a U.S. Marine. "I think he was just letting us know he was OK and to keep doing what we are doing," Holbrook said.

A mother and son's bond is the strongest thing in the world!!!!

Ok, all of you loyal readers know I am a fan of the good ol' hamburger, but this combination is way beyond my imagination of a good hamburger.

Cheeseburger Couplings Match Two Favorites

Cheeseburger purists: Cringe now. The cheeseburger is flipping off the grill crammed between Krispy Kreme doughnut halves. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mabel, you know Wag's blog just brightens my day and makes me feel like dancing. You and your friends can catch it at


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Loved that end picture. As for the Krispy Kreme one, yuck!! What a waste of a good couple of doughnuts.
Good job on the equal time for Reid, fair is fair. :o)


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