Wag's Sunday Food Network
Saddam Hussein went on a hunger strike because his attorney was killed. It lasted how long???
Saddam ends hunger strike after missing lunch

Saddam Hussein ended a brief hunger strike after missing just one meal. The former Iraqi leader had refused lunch on Thursday but he ate his evening meal.
Seems he knows all about American food !!!!!!!!!!!!

Now of course if it's cake you want then,
Let them eat cake — at $20 a slice
Sugary confections from high-end designers command up to $25,000

Well that's nice, but a little pricey, so on my budget I guess I better reach for the tried and true Cracker Jack snack.

And as a bonus they have a prize inside.

Lemonade is summer.

Add a go with side for the burger, corn on the cob cooked on the barbecue and drenched in butter.

Then time to relax on the patio in 115 degree heat and sip on an ice cold glass of iced tea while dinner settles.
At the end of the day it's time to finish off the evening with a quick dip in the pool with Zoe'!!!!!!!!

Oh baby, my taste buds are working overtime.
That is one cute doggie!!!!
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