Friday, June 23, 2006

Oh My My

Must sell!!
chitttt man I got some really good stufffffff ya want sum?

300 vanities for sale. The package has been opened but the vanities are new. I looked at my bathroom vanity and decided it was time for a change, so off to my handy Home Depot store I went. Once there I had so many options I could not decide which I liked so I bought all the store had. Still unsure I went to every Home Depot store in Las Vegas and bought all they had which amounted to 300. Wife wants to keep the one we have and insists I get the 300 vanities out of the garage.

Drug caches found in Home Depot vanities

Large quantities of drugs were found inside merchandise from at least two Home Depot stores. None of the customers who purchased the vanities that contained drugs are suspects.

Oh good!!!!

Sign for spelling bee finalist misspells name
Billboard congratulating girl for making city proud contains gaffe

A billboard went up in downtown Amarillo, Texas, home of 14-year-old Caitlin Campbell congratulating her for making the city proud. Unfortunately, the ā€œPā€ is missing from Campbell.

Let's see, how do I spell embrassing, no ambarasnin, no umbarasning. Could you give me the definition please? Oh, embarrassing is spelled embarrassing!!!! Does anyone know where the "P" is?

Oil company execs defend high pump prices
Big oil bigwigs say Americans have it easy compared to other countries

Americans paying $3 per gallon at the pump have it relatively cheap when compared with prices globally, say oil and gas company executives who defend their record profits as essential to maintaining supplies.

In parts of Europe and elsewhere in the West, gasoline prices are more like $5 per gallon to $7 per gallon, said the chairman of ConocoPhillips Co., James J. Mulva.

The best defense is always a good offense. Tell us how lucky we are here in this country because it is so bad in other countries. Good offense deflects the issue and makes it sound like we should just be happy as we are only in the $3.00 range.

Hillary Wrestles With Iraq
Hold on to your campaign hats

When asked about this, former President Bill Clinton said he and Hillary only wrestled once and Chelsea was the result of that match. Bill stated he "wonders what will come from Hillary wrestling with Iraq."

When asked about Hillary running for president, Former President Bill Clinton says he doesn't know if his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, would run for president in two years but his role would be to "do whatever she wants." But he added his preference would be training the Young female White house interns!!!

Take me to the computer. I never miss a day reading Wag's blog. I emailed all my friends his link so they could read it too!!!!!!!!

Didn't you???????


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