The Animals are in Charge
Bear Steals 50 Pounds of Dog Food From Home
CHUCKEY, Tenn. Rela Foshie didn't know what to do when a black bear she said had recently visited her back porch decided to let himself in on Thursday.
"It came in the back door," she said. "I don't know how it got the door opened, but it did. He was in the hallway where the dog food was."
"He took the whole thing, the 50-pound bag of dog food and the plastic tub it was in, and dragged it though the backyard," she said. "That makes two bags. One last week and now one this week." "You can't do nothing to scare this bear away because he's not listening to you."
Let's see, the bear visited her home twice for dog food - not once, but twice and she says the bear doesn't listen. She must be bilingual. And CHUCKEY, Tennessee is where exactly, as it must be a hot bed of scholars!!!!!!
Woman comes home to find bear snacking on oatmeal
WEST VANCOUVER, British Columbia - A woman came home to find a young bear eating oatmeal in her kitchen. Three police officers who went to the home Thursday couldn't get the bear to budge, so authorities let the animal finish its meal.
Goldilocks and the Bear. Wait, didn't Goldilocks steal the bears porridge? At least in British Columbia the bears don't have to eat dog food and have some crazy lady talking nonstop to them.
Terrorizing tomcat ordered under house arrest
Judge spares life of ferocious feline who attacked more than 6 people

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - A state judge on Tuesday spared the life of Lewis the cat, whose vicious attacks on neighbors landed his owner in court, but the terrorizing tomcat was ordered confined to the house at all times.
The owner had faced a charge of reckless endangerment because neighbors complained that the gray and white cat’s long claws and stealth had allowed it to attack at least a half-dozen people. Some who were bitten and scratched ended up seeking treatment at hospitals.
A Utah animal sanctuary offered to take the cat, but Eugene Riccio, the owner's attorney, said Lewis enjoys life in southern New England and wants to stay.
Obviously the attorney had long discussions with the cat to determine he didn't want to go to Utah because New England has better clam chowder!!!! That had to be an intelligent conversation for sure!!
Dog to Be Awarded for Saving Owner With 911 Call
ORLANDO, Fla. - A 17-pound beagle named Belle is more than man's best friend. She's a lifesaver. Belle was in Washington, D.C., on Monday to receive an award for biting onto owner Kevin Weaver's cell phone to call 911 after the diabetic Ocoee man had a seizure and collapsed. Belle had been trained to summon help in just those circumstances. Dogs help diabetic patients using their keen sense of smell, the animals can detect abnormalities in a person's blood-sugar levels. She was the first canine recipient to win the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award, given to someone who used a cell phone to save a life, prevent a crime or help in an emergency.
If people were only half as smart as dogs!!!!!!!
Another star has graciously agreed to post her picture on the site. Her name is April. She is a border collie who loves to go camping.

To my loyal readers (all 5 of you) the end is near!!!!!!!!!!!

Good articles--your comments made me smile. Keep them coming.
Beautiful dog! I'm April's Aunt Sue
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