Do the Math
U.S. arrests 55 illegal workers at Dulles airport
Official: Workers pose security threats; 1 had ‘unescorted access’ to tarmac
U.S. immigration officials said they had arrested 55 illegal immigrants who were working at a construction site in the secure area at Dulles International Airport.

Said Julie Myers, assistant secretary of Homeland Security in charge of ICE, “Unauthorized workers employed at sensitive sites and critical infrastructure facilities ... pose serious homeland security threats.”
Wow ya think Julie? Homeland security has an intelligent one there folks!!
U.S. sweep nets nearly 2,100 illegal immigrants
Operation Return to Sender targeting gang members, child sex offenders
In a blitz that began May 26, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has arrested nearly 2,100 illegal immigrants across the country. Officials said the raids are aimed at child molesters, gang members and other violent criminals. The operation has caught more than 140 immigrants with convictions for sexual offenses against children; 367 known gang members, including street soldiers in the deadly Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13; and about 640 people who had already been deported once, immigration officials said. The numbers include more than 720 arrests in California alone. On April 20, agents rounded up 1,100 illegal immigrants in 40 cities.
OK, let's see, 12,000,000 subtract 2100 subtract 1100 = 11,996,800 or so to go. That's a start. Why has it taken so long?
Farmers Vow to Prevent Garden Demolition
LOS ANGELES - Workers tore down fences Wednesday inside a 14-acre urban garden while evicted farmers and their supporters kept watch and vowed to prevent bulldozing of the inner-city greenspace.
"We are just trying to grow food for our own selves, and that's not a crime."
Landowner Ralph Horowitz won a court order last month to remove about 350 farmers, although the city said many already had left to farm other city-provided plots. Garden supporters enlisted the aid of celebrities such as Hannah, folk singer Joan Baez and famed tree-sitter John Quigley, pitching the fight as a battle to preserve a scrap of nature in a concrete jungle. "What happens next is we keep fighting. Fighting in courts, fighting in politics," the attorney said.
Now this is the true illegal immigrant and Hollywood take on the situation. The land owner cannot use his land because someone planted a garden. Look out California beaches cause I'm going to plant a garden the whole coast line. Oh wait, I'm legal so that won't work, darn!!! Oh yeah, the land owner offered to sell the property, but I guess the celebrities didn't want to spend the money and the illegals feel they are entitled, same as they get health care and more free!!!!!!!!! Oh, and let's not forget the attorney, "We keep fighting. Fighting in courts, fighting in politics." And politics enter the picture how? Too bad no one comes to the aid of the landowner !!!!!!!!!!!
OK, now in closing I have two bits of information to share.
The first, emergency waiting rooms at the hospitals are often very crowded requiring a long wait. To eliminate the long lines, when you enter the waiting room, at the top of your lungs scream "immigration, immigration, immigration." Step out of the way, and in just a few minutes you will be the first in line!!!!!
The second, in The United States you can obtain free health care. Once you have been seen in the hospital emergency room and they send you to pay the bill just say "No habla Ingles" and it will be free!!!!
Buenos Dias Amigos
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