Wag's Blog
Las Vegas, Nevada - What Happens Here Doesn't Always Stay Here!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Three Day Weekend
I have to admit I got involved in a project and have run out of time to have a post today.
Instead I will make it into a long weekend.
Thanks for stopping by and y'all come back now ya hear.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How ToLive A Few Extra Years Or Have Fun Before You Die
Laugh out Loud
Experts say that laughter is the best medicine. After all, it increases your immune system response, lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics, increases oxygen flow throughout your entire body and helps induce a state of relaxation promoting better sleep. The positive health effects are no laughing matter: according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, average blood flow typically increases 22 percent during and after bursts of laughter compared to a decrease in blood flow by 35 percent during mental stress.
Buy a Pet
Having a dog or cat in the house works wonders by reducing stress, lowering cholesterol and decreasing blood pressure, while increasing physical activity. For example, pet ownership has increased the percentage of people who survived one year after being hospitalized for heart problems. Only six percent of non-pet owners survived whereas 28 percent of pet owners survived. Plus, sharing affection and companionship toward a pet may simply make people smile.
Give Your Brain a Workout
Having a good workout isn't only limited to your body. Playing chess, reading newspapers, attending plays or finishing a crossword puzzle all have positive health results, experts say. Brain fitness is paramount to maintaining your cognitive abilities. According to one study by Neurology Online, people who mentally exercised their brains had a reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment and a risk of Alzheimer's that was 2.6 times less than people who did not stimulate their mind.
Stay Positive
If you always think the glass is half full, you're on the right track. Mayo Clinic research shows that people with a positive outlook typically live 19 percent longer than people who see the glass as half empty. Although it's questionable if this can be attributed to optimists being more likely to seek medical help when they're ill or their immune systems being stronger as a result of their sunny outlook, the result is that they live longer. Optimists are also less likely to suffer depression and helplessness than their pessimist counterparts.
Drink TeaYour taste buds may enjoy green tea, but what you may not know is that it's good for your health too. In a recent study, Japanese adults who consumed the most green tea during an eleven year duration were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease or other causes (except cancer) compared to the less frequent tea-drinkers. Essentially, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Limit Alcohol
Too much alcohol will shorten your life, while moderate imbibing may actually lengthen it, concluded researchers published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Generally men who drink up to four drinks on a daily basis and women who drink up to two drinks per day reduce the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 percent. However, men and women who drink more than this amount curtail their lifespan and increase their risk of death.
Now this is the part of the advice that you have to be real careful with your choices.
The doctors recommend two (2) drinks for the ladies so may I suggest two of the following:
A bomber is a 22 ounce (650ml) glass bottle that is commonly sold in American speciality markets and brewpubs. Bombers typically contain two to three servings of beer. They are also a popular bottle type with homebrewers. A 22 is commonly known as a 'deuce-deuce' or 'double-deuce'.
The doctors recommend four (4) drinks for the men so may I suggest four of the following:
A forty is American slang for a 40 US fl. oz. (1.18 litres) bottle commonly used for malt liquor. Forties are more than three times as large as the standard American 12-fluid ounce (355ml) serving of beer.
Interpretation, it's all in the interpretation. They did not mention size of the drinks, only how many.
Live long and happy!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Kill The Sacred Cow
A School is an institution designed to allow and encourage students (or "pupils") to learn, under the supervision of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country, but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education.
In addition to these core schools, students in a given country may also have access to and attend schools after primary and secondary education. University, vocational school, college or seminary may be available after (or in lieu of) secondary school.
Education: ed·u·ca·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌe-jə-ˈkā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 1531
1 a: the action or process of educating or of being educated; also :
a stage of such a process
b: the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process
2: the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools.
Median Salary by Job - All K-12 Teachers (United States)

No one will argue the importance of getting an education as evidenced by the amount of money all of us pay in taxes to support education.
I have always said "people with a better education help all of us especially those of us with less education."
All that being said I think it is time to review our entire education system as well as the unnecessary costs associated with attending school.
In many areas of the country it starts in secondary school with a boys basketball team, a girls basketball team, a boys volleyball team and a girls volleyball team and some schools offer additional sports as well.
Keep in mind, other than football and wrestling almost all high school sport programs have two separate programs, one for boys and one for girls.
High school has wrestling, football, tennis, golf, track, soccer, volleyball, boys baseball, girls softball, basketball and probably some I missed.
College has the same as high school plus additional like swimming, bowling, skiing, rifle & cross country.
All of these sports at all levels have to have faculties, equipment and a staff of coaches for these programs. Obviously secondary and high school coaches and staff make less money than college coaches but nevertheless it amounts to a huge amount of money when it is all added up.
State run colleges rely on a large part of their budget from our taxes. Tuitions are high, making it impossible for some kids to attend college.
Let's review the coaching expense for just three college sports:
The average major-college football coach's salary is $1.4 million a year not counting benefits, incentives, subsidized housing or any of the perks they routinely receive.
Basketball: The million-dollar coach, once a rarity, is now the norm. Head coaches at the NCAA's top-level schools are making an average of $950,000 a year, not counting benefits, incentives, subsidized housing or any of the perks they routinely receive.
College Baseball: The top coach gets paid around 600k. And most coaches get paid 200-300k and some even less.
Keep in mind they also have huge coaching staffs and the athletic programs all have to have directors. Also remember there is two of every program, one for boys/men and one for the girls/women. That relates to enormous expenses.
When you look at the big picture and compare how many kids are involved in sports in school vs the number of kids in school you will see sports programs favor a minuscule amount of kids to justify the expense of the programs. Add to that the graduation rate of college athletes and the costs skyrocket.
It's time.
The sports programs need to be privatized and eliminated from all the public tax-funded schools.
The schools need to go back to the basics and allow and encourage students (or "pupils") to learn, under the supervision of teachers thus gaining an education.
It's time to get our priorities straight and kill the sacred sports cow.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Arlo Aged
Have you ever noticed how other people get older and you don't?
Well that happened to me after having a conversation at the park the other night with my friend Pat about Arlo Guthrie.
Arlo Guthrie is one year younger than I am, but he aged and I haven't.
It seems to me like it was a few short years ago that we were all singing the pickle song.
Of course what real Arlo Guthrie fan doesn't remember the Alice's Restaurant song?
It was the stuff legends are made of.
I don't know how many of you knew this but Arlo Guthrie testified in the Chicago seven trial.
The Chicago Seven were seven (originally eight, when they were known as the Chicago Eight) defendants charged with conspiracy, inciting to riot and other charges related to protests that took place in Chicago, Illinois on the occasion of the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
The original eight protester/defendants, indicted by the grand jury on March 20, 1969, were Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, Lee Weiner, and Bobby Seale. The defense attorneys were William Kunstler and Leonard Weinglass of the Center for Constitutional Rights. The judge was Julius Hoffman. The prosecutors were Richard Schultz and Tom Foran.
MR KUNSTLER: What is your name?
THE WITNESS: Arlo Guthrie
MR. KUNSTLER: Mr. Guthrie, what is your occupation?
THE WITNESS: I am a musician. I am an actor and a writer.
MR. KUNSTLER: By the way, Mr. Guthrie, was your father Woody Guthrie, the writer of "This Land is My Land"?
THE WITNESS: Objection, your Honor.
MR. KUNSTLER: Sustain the objection.
THE WITNESS: Now, Mr. Guthrie, you stated that you were an actor. Could you elaborate on that?
MR. KUNSTLER: Well, I've done one film, "Alice's Restaurant."
THE WITNESS: Is that playing in Chicago now?
MR. KUNSTLER: I believe so.
MR. FORAN: Your Honor, this is a long trial and this silly stuff---
THE COURT: I sustain the objection.
MR. KUNSTLER: Now, Mr. Guthrie, I call your attention to mid-January of 1968. Do you recall meeting with Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman?
THE WITNESS: Yes, I met them in New York at an underground radio station. Abbie and Jerry were talking to me about having a Festival of Life here in Chicago.
MR. FORAN: Could we have who said what, please, your Honor?
THE COURT: Yes. We don't expect you to have all that other talent and still know how to be a good witness.
THE WITNESS: Abbie wanted me to come down and sing at a Festival of Life here in Chicago. What I said to Abbie was that it would be rather difficult, you know, for me to get involved in that kind of thing because we had had a lot of trouble before with festivals and gatherings because of police violence.
Abbie asked me if I had any song or kind of theme song for the festival, and I said yes. "Alice's Restaurant," and Jerry said, "What's that?" He had never heard it, and I proceeded to tell him about "Alice's Restaurant."
MR. KUNSTLER: What did you tell him?
THE WITNESS: Well, I told him that it was about Alice and Ray Brock, who live in a church in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and she ran a restaurant. They live in a church and they had a lot of room in the church, and having all that room in the church, they decided that they didn't have to take out their garbage. We had a big Thanksgiving dinner, and after we took out the garbage and we went to the garbage dump, but it was closed. There was a sign across the entrance saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving," and we drove around looking for another place to put the garbage. We found one and dumped it. We went back to the church and ate some more.
The next morning I got up. We got a phone call from a police officer who wanted to know who had dumped the garbage. He had found my name on a piece of paper in the middle of the pile, and said it was illegal to dump there, to come down to the police station and pick up the garbage. So I went down, and he arrested me, and I went with my friend, and we all went over to the garbage, looked around. We went to court, got fined twenty-five bucks, and eventually picked up the garbage.
And it was after that that I went down for my induction physical examination thing in New York City at Whitehall Street, and I went through a lot of tests and examinations, I had examinations and all kinds of things. I eventually went to see a psychiatrist.
THE COURT: Did you pass?
THE WITNESS: Excuse me?
THE COURT: Did you pass the examination?
THE WITNESS: Not yet. Anyway---
MR. KUNSTLER: Your Honor, this is a story of "Alice's Restaurant."
THE COURT: Oh, this didn't happen to him?
THE WITNESS: Yes it did.
THE COURT: Oh. You're mistaken. You're mistaken, Mr. Kunstler.
Did you pay the $25 fine?
THE WITNESS: Yes, I did.
Anyway, I finally came to see the very last person in the induction center who had asked me if I had ever been arrested. I told him yes, I was. He said, "What for?" I said, "Littering," and he said, "Did you ever go to court?" and I said, "Yes," and I was unacceptable to the draft because I had been a litterbug in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
The end of the song is the chorus which goes: [sings] "You can get anything you want---"
THE COURT: Oh, no, no. No. I am sorry.
MR. KUNSTLER: Your Honor, that's what he sang for the defendants.
THE COURT: I don't want the theater owner where this picture is shown to sue me.
MR. KUNSTLER: We'll represent you, your Honor.
THE COURT: No singing. No singing. No singing, sir.
MR. KUNSTLER: Mr. Weinglass and I, free of charge, will represent you.
THE COURT: I will reserve my comment on that one. You, please don't sing.
MR. KUNSTLER: Can you say the words of the chorus?
THE WITNESS: "You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant/You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant./Walk right in---it's around the back/About a half a mile from the railroad track, and/You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant."
MR. KUNSTLER: Now, I call you attention, Mr. Guthrie, to the opening week, approximately, of July, 1968. Do you know where you were?
THE WITNESS: I was on the front porch of the Viking Hotel in Newport, Rhode Island. Abbie and Jerry approached me, and asked me if I would come to Chicago to sing the song. I said to both of them that I was still concerned about the fact that the permits had not been granted yet, and that I would not attend and that I would to my best to have other people not attend if the permits weren't granted because of the fear of police violence.
MR. KUNSTLER: Now, did you go to Chicago?
THE WITNESS: No, I didn't.
MR. KUNSTLER: And would you state to the Court and jury why you did not go to Chicago?
MR. FORAN: Objection, your Honor.
THE COURT: Sustain the objection.
MR. KUNSTLER: No further questions.
THE COURT: Is there any cross-examination?
MR. FORAN: I have no cross-examination.
THE COURT: You may go.
Boy we all aged a little reading today's blog.
Arlo is currently touring performing in his solo reunion tour.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Going Green Makes Me See Red
How much green are you willing to shell out in the name of going green?
Don't you want to be a part the "green" movement or as it should be called the great green ripoff?
Everything is being called green these days - snacks, chips, household cleaners and even liquor.
Everything is being sold as "earth friendly" whatever that means.
I think it is nothing other than another term to use when they take your green out of your wallet.
If you like to drink alcohol and want to do your part you might try drinking 360 Vodka.
Yes, that's right, 360 Vodka claims to be "the world's first eco-friendly premium spirit" because it's packaged in a bottle that used 85 percent recycled glass.
They don't mention the grain or water that's used to make the actual vodka.
Even though they don't mention the grain or water, the recycled bottle will be enough to turn 360 Vodka into a new (and very expensive) trend.
How about the household cleaner "Simple Green" which claims to be a non-toxic and safer alternative to other cleaners.
Did you know, Simple Green contains butyl cellosolve, a toxic solvent that's found in many traditional all-purpose cleaners.
How many of you have bothered to read the label on Simple Green? The label that warns users not to dispose of it "near storm drains, oceans, lakes, or streams."
Hey, but it is green and we are simple right?
The green effort is doing much more to help line the pockets of marketers and corporations than it is to help save the planet.
The green industry is expected to be a $500 billion business by the end of this year.
What happened all of a sudden to awake this giant movement here in the United States?
Simply put, Hollywood, the Democrats and an upcoming presidential election happened.
Maybe some of you remember the guy who wrote a book called "An Inconvenient Truth."
You might remember him as the guy who claimed to invent the Internet.
You know, Al Gore, the most well-known global warming alarmist.
Hollywood's favorite son who won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize.
How does the expression go, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Al Gore's Tennessee mansion was the cause of controversy a couple of years ago when it was discovered that the house was extremely inefficient.
Gore’s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).
In his documentary, Gore calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.
The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.
Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.
Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month.
In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.
Gore's excuse at the time was 'well, the house is four times bigger than the typical house.'
OK, I'm not a college graduate, but size now matters when it comes to being efficient?
Gore also claimed that the house was very old and that he had to convert it to be green.
Most of the green renovations are finally done---and the Gores were able to save---zero dollars on energy usage.
Instead, they actually increased their usage by 10%.
Do any of you think like I do, by selling a "CONVENIENT UNTRUTH" as "An Inconvenient Truth" he was able to sucker a whole lot of people?
Gore saw his personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to speaking fees and investments related to global warming hysteria.
I was raised in the country and in the country we learned that if it looks like bull s**t, if it smells like bull s**t and if it tastes like bull s**t, it usually is just that, bull s**t.
If ,and I say if, there is in fact global warming, then encouraging 300 million people in The United States to go green is like spitting in the ocean while countries like China with over a billion people and India with over a billion people are not doing anything to curb global warming.
We're leading the way in stupidity.
Pass that Earth-friendly 360 Vodka because for what all this "green" movement is going to cost us, I need a drink.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sign Of The Times
Can you spare a nickle?
If anyone out there has a 1913 Liberty Head nickel, I need one for my collection.
If you have one and will part with it, I can pay $100.00.
A Big Mac attack.
Bear strolls into McDonald's drive-through in NJ
SOUTH BRUNSWICK, N.J. - The morning rush hour finds plenty of people in the drive-through lane at the McDonald's on busy Route 1 in South Brunswick. On Wednesday, a small bear also strolled through the lane.
Police say they got three calls from motorists about 9 a.m. about the bear, which appears to be headed north in woods along the highway.
The bear appears to be young and may have been the same animal spotted a day earlier near the Route 27 boundary with Franklin Township.
Police say bears are unusual but nor rare in the central New Jersey township.
Bears have fallen on hard times as well - not as many kids are eating porridge these days.
Is there something in the water in New Jersey?
First a bear, now this.
Ex-parking meter worker charged with stealing $30K
NEWARK, N.J. - New Jersey prosecutors say a former city worker whose job involved emptying parking meters stole more than $30,000 in coins from the machines. That equals a stack of quarters about 700 feet high.
An indictment handed up Wednesday against Rodney Dennis charges him with official misconduct and theft.
Authorities say the 52-year-old was supposed to deposit the coins in an Irvington police department account after removing them from the meters. He's accused of putting them in his own bank account instead during most of 2006.
Officials say a bank investigator became suspicious and alerted police. Dennis was fired in February.
OK. That must be a city with no budget issues since they didn't discover the missing money until the bank alerted the police.
Boy some kids are hard to explain.
The other day I was talking to a friend of mine and he was really distraught.
He told me his daughter refused to go to school.
When he asked her why, she said the kids make fun of her, the teachers hate her, and she has way too much work.
I said that didn't sound good at all and asked what he said to his daughter.
He said, "I told her she didn't have a choice, she had to go to school since she was the principal."
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Have you noticed the catchy phrases churches are putting on their signs nowadays?
I saw an unusual one the other day, it said, " We love hurting people."
I bet they are lined up outside on Sunday morning to get inside that church.
Birthday planning:
The wife, Vicki, has a birthday coming up soon and I figure I ought to take her to a real expensive place for her birthday.
I have looked around and given a lot of thought as to a real expensive place to take her and have found it.
I am taking her to the gas station.
Wag's Wisdom
Have no friends only enemies, that way you know what to expect.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Flying Low Into Reno
I mentioned on Monday that we had made the drive to Reno but I forgot to tell you something my wife Vicki came up with on the trip.
I have been accused of sometimes going a little over the speed limit which of course one sometimes has to do when passing six cars at a time on a two lane highway while avoiding oncoming traffic.

We were about 230 miles into our 450 mile trip and we pulled into the rest area just outside of Tonopah.
My son Tyler, myself, and the two dogs were stretching our legs while Vicki got sandwiches and cokes out of the ice chest and put them on the table.
As I reached for a sandwich she said, "Just a minute, that will be $18.50 please." I said, "$18.50, what are you talking about?"
She said, "Well if you insist on flying down the highway, then just like all the airlines, there is now a charge for food and drinks."
I said I didn't think the meal charges applied to pilots but I lost that argument.
We finished up our lunch and made a smooth take off again and I brought the car up to my cruising speed.

Vicki and Tyler were settled in the back seat with a disk in the DVD player. They were putting on their earphones getting ready to watch the movie when I said, "Just a minute, that will be $10.00 each please."
Vicki said, "$10.00 each, what are you talking about?" "Well," I said, "turn about is fair play, the fee for in-flight movies is $10.00 per person."
Did I mention the trip to Reno is a long one especially when no one talks to you?
I had something strange happen this trip that has never happened to me before.
You know how you are driving down the highway one or two miles over the speed limit and you see a highway patrolman with outstretched arm, palm down pumping his arm indicating for you to slow down?
Well, Vicki was engrossed in the movie so I took the opportunity to, as they say, blow a little carbon out of the engine so I kicked it up a notch to a mild 90 MPH.
All of a sudden out of nowhere a Highway patrol car pulls up along side of me and the patrolman was using the arm signal palm up, indicating speed up.
That one had me completely baffled all weekend until a conversation Saturday in Reno with Tyler.
He told me in the strictest confidence that his mom had taken the car into GMC and had the speedometer re-calibrated to show 30 miles an hour faster than it really should be.
Women, you just can't trust them!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day Off
Today seems like a good day to take off from writing.
Thank you for checking please come back tomorrow.
Monday, June 16, 2008
To Reno And Back Again


450 miles and the biggest percentage of the roads is two lane highway.

The speed limit is 70 mph.

The desert is the desert and boring.
The drivers are afraid to pass so traffic bunches up.
The Nevada Highway Patrol likes to use radar to nail those that drive faster than the speed limit.
Even with all that, we just made the journey for the weekend to see our boys and it was worth it.
So this is all that will be on here today as it was a long trip.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Nevada's "Love Gov"
Home means Nevada,
Home means the hills,
Home means the sage and the pine.
Out by the Truckee, silvery rills,
Out where the sun always shines.
Yes Nevada,where prostitution is legal. This is Nevada, the wild wild west and home to the "Love Gov."
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons

Nevada, the wild west where the cowboy walks into a saloon, downs a shot of whiskey, grabs the bar girl and has his way with her.
Nevada's "Love Gov"
Cocktail waitress Chrissy Mazzeo, accused then-Congressman Gibbons in 2006 of getting drunk and making a pass at her in a Las Vegas parking garage during the final weeks of his race for governor.

On May 2, 2008, Gibbons filed for divorce to end his 22-year marriage to first lady Dawn Gibbons.
The "Love Gov" had fallen out of love.

Nevada, the Silver State, one with community property laws.
Jim Gibbons moved out of the mansion several months ago when his marriage began deteriorating and has been staying in the couple’s Reno home.

Dawn Gibbons has been living in the mansion.
Hell no I won't go!!
Under that law, both spouses have a right to 50 percent of anything of value enjoyed by the couple while the divorce is proceeding, such as a residence or club membership.
While Jim Gibbons wants his wife to stay in the couple's Reno home, Dawn Gibbons wants to sell that house.
The Reno home is too big for Dawn Gibbons to maintain by herself. The Reno home has an expansive lawn, which Jim Gibbons has said takes him six hours to mow on Sundays.
Dawn wants the Mansion and the servants!!
The spectacle has been magnified by rumors swirling around Jim Gibbons’ reason for seeking the divorce.
He cited incompatibility in his complaint and when the Love Gov was asked, he repeatedly and directly denied having any romantic relationships outside of his marriage.
Who's making love to your ol' lady while you are making love to mine?
Nevada the wild wild west where there is always a Doc, sometimes they are a podiatrist in case you shoot yourself in the foot.
Dr. Karrasch is a podiatrist in Reno Nevada that had a secretary named Kathy, The good doctor was married at the time and had children.
But alas, the Doctor loved to play footsie. Kathy started having an affair with the Doctor and he left his wife for Kathy.

Ah, but Kathy longed for someone that could let their fingers do the walking and the talking.

Enter the "Love Gov."
According to documents obtained by the Reno Gazette-Journal, The "Love Gov" Gibbons sent 867 personal text messages to the woman alleged to be his mistress in a six week period in 2007.
The governor’s text message habits ordinarily wouldn’t be made public knowledge but the "Love Gov" used his state-issued cell phone to text Kathy Karrasch.
Gibbons wracked up $130 in text fees until his aides brought the text bill to his attention. Gibbons promptly paid the money back to the state and quit using the state phone to text Karrasch.
“He said it was just ongoing conversation, about the dog.”
According to the Gazette-Journal, Gibbons didn’t use his state cell phone to text message anyone other than Karrasch and the text messages occurred throughout the day and night, on weekends and work days. On one Friday, for example, Gibbons exchanged 160 text messages with Karrasch starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 11:45 p.m.
On another night, Gibbons exchanged 91 messages between midnight and 2 a.m. with her.
The records also revealed 42 phone calls between Gibbons and Karrasch, mostly on the weekends and evenings. The records include two lengthy phone calls during working hours.
A dog is a man's best friend so I guess that many texts and that much conversation would not be excessive.
In a six week period I suspect that is more conversation than a married couple has.
Nevada, the wild wild west where the "Love Gov" doesn't know how to keep his pistol holstered.

Word on the street the "Love Gov" is going to make a P.S.A. commercial for one of Nevada's tourist attractions.
It will be set on the mountain overlooking the clear blue waters of Lake Tahoe.
There in one bath tub will be the 63 year old "Love Gov" and in the other bath tub, his Kathy, each with outstretched arms holding hands as the sun is setting in the west.
Cialis for "When The Moment Is Right"
Way out in the land of the setting sun,
Where the wind blows wild and free,
There's a lovely spot, just the only one
That means home sweet home to me.
If you follow the old Kit Carson trail,
Until desert meets the hills,
Oh you certainly will agree with me,
It's the place of a thousand thrills.
Home means Nevada.