How ToLive A Few Extra Years Or Have Fun Before You Die
Laugh out Loud
Experts say that laughter is the best medicine. After all, it increases your immune system response, lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics, increases oxygen flow throughout your entire body and helps induce a state of relaxation promoting better sleep. The positive health effects are no laughing matter: according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, average blood flow typically increases 22 percent during and after bursts of laughter compared to a decrease in blood flow by 35 percent during mental stress.
Buy a Pet
Having a dog or cat in the house works wonders by reducing stress, lowering cholesterol and decreasing blood pressure, while increasing physical activity. For example, pet ownership has increased the percentage of people who survived one year after being hospitalized for heart problems. Only six percent of non-pet owners survived whereas 28 percent of pet owners survived. Plus, sharing affection and companionship toward a pet may simply make people smile.
Give Your Brain a Workout
Having a good workout isn't only limited to your body. Playing chess, reading newspapers, attending plays or finishing a crossword puzzle all have positive health results, experts say. Brain fitness is paramount to maintaining your cognitive abilities. According to one study by Neurology Online, people who mentally exercised their brains had a reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment and a risk of Alzheimer's that was 2.6 times less than people who did not stimulate their mind.
Stay Positive
If you always think the glass is half full, you're on the right track. Mayo Clinic research shows that people with a positive outlook typically live 19 percent longer than people who see the glass as half empty. Although it's questionable if this can be attributed to optimists being more likely to seek medical help when they're ill or their immune systems being stronger as a result of their sunny outlook, the result is that they live longer. Optimists are also less likely to suffer depression and helplessness than their pessimist counterparts.
Drink TeaYour taste buds may enjoy green tea, but what you may not know is that it's good for your health too. In a recent study, Japanese adults who consumed the most green tea during an eleven year duration were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease or other causes (except cancer) compared to the less frequent tea-drinkers. Essentially, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Limit Alcohol
Too much alcohol will shorten your life, while moderate imbibing may actually lengthen it, concluded researchers published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Generally men who drink up to four drinks on a daily basis and women who drink up to two drinks per day reduce the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 percent. However, men and women who drink more than this amount curtail their lifespan and increase their risk of death.
Now this is the part of the advice that you have to be real careful with your choices.
The doctors recommend two (2) drinks for the ladies so may I suggest two of the following:
A bomber is a 22 ounce (650ml) glass bottle that is commonly sold in American speciality markets and brewpubs. Bombers typically contain two to three servings of beer. They are also a popular bottle type with homebrewers. A 22 is commonly known as a 'deuce-deuce' or 'double-deuce'.
The doctors recommend four (4) drinks for the men so may I suggest four of the following:
A forty is American slang for a 40 US fl. oz. (1.18 litres) bottle commonly used for malt liquor. Forties are more than three times as large as the standard American 12-fluid ounce (355ml) serving of beer.
Interpretation, it's all in the interpretation. They did not mention size of the drinks, only how many.
Live long and happy!!!
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