Nevada's "Love Gov"
Home means Nevada,
Home means the hills,
Home means the sage and the pine.
Out by the Truckee, silvery rills,
Out where the sun always shines.
Yes Nevada,where prostitution is legal. This is Nevada, the wild wild west and home to the "Love Gov."
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons

Nevada, the wild west where the cowboy walks into a saloon, downs a shot of whiskey, grabs the bar girl and has his way with her.
Nevada's "Love Gov"
Cocktail waitress Chrissy Mazzeo, accused then-Congressman Gibbons in 2006 of getting drunk and making a pass at her in a Las Vegas parking garage during the final weeks of his race for governor.

On May 2, 2008, Gibbons filed for divorce to end his 22-year marriage to first lady Dawn Gibbons.
The "Love Gov" had fallen out of love.

Nevada, the Silver State, one with community property laws.
Jim Gibbons moved out of the mansion several months ago when his marriage began deteriorating and has been staying in the couple’s Reno home.

Dawn Gibbons has been living in the mansion.
Hell no I won't go!!
Under that law, both spouses have a right to 50 percent of anything of value enjoyed by the couple while the divorce is proceeding, such as a residence or club membership.
While Jim Gibbons wants his wife to stay in the couple's Reno home, Dawn Gibbons wants to sell that house.
The Reno home is too big for Dawn Gibbons to maintain by herself. The Reno home has an expansive lawn, which Jim Gibbons has said takes him six hours to mow on Sundays.
Dawn wants the Mansion and the servants!!
The spectacle has been magnified by rumors swirling around Jim Gibbons’ reason for seeking the divorce.
He cited incompatibility in his complaint and when the Love Gov was asked, he repeatedly and directly denied having any romantic relationships outside of his marriage.
Who's making love to your ol' lady while you are making love to mine?
Nevada the wild wild west where there is always a Doc, sometimes they are a podiatrist in case you shoot yourself in the foot.
Dr. Karrasch is a podiatrist in Reno Nevada that had a secretary named Kathy, The good doctor was married at the time and had children.
But alas, the Doctor loved to play footsie. Kathy started having an affair with the Doctor and he left his wife for Kathy.

Ah, but Kathy longed for someone that could let their fingers do the walking and the talking.

Enter the "Love Gov."
According to documents obtained by the Reno Gazette-Journal, The "Love Gov" Gibbons sent 867 personal text messages to the woman alleged to be his mistress in a six week period in 2007.
The governor’s text message habits ordinarily wouldn’t be made public knowledge but the "Love Gov" used his state-issued cell phone to text Kathy Karrasch.
Gibbons wracked up $130 in text fees until his aides brought the text bill to his attention. Gibbons promptly paid the money back to the state and quit using the state phone to text Karrasch.
“He said it was just ongoing conversation, about the dog.”
According to the Gazette-Journal, Gibbons didn’t use his state cell phone to text message anyone other than Karrasch and the text messages occurred throughout the day and night, on weekends and work days. On one Friday, for example, Gibbons exchanged 160 text messages with Karrasch starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 11:45 p.m.
On another night, Gibbons exchanged 91 messages between midnight and 2 a.m. with her.
The records also revealed 42 phone calls between Gibbons and Karrasch, mostly on the weekends and evenings. The records include two lengthy phone calls during working hours.
A dog is a man's best friend so I guess that many texts and that much conversation would not be excessive.
In a six week period I suspect that is more conversation than a married couple has.
Nevada, the wild wild west where the "Love Gov" doesn't know how to keep his pistol holstered.

Word on the street the "Love Gov" is going to make a P.S.A. commercial for one of Nevada's tourist attractions.
It will be set on the mountain overlooking the clear blue waters of Lake Tahoe.
There in one bath tub will be the 63 year old "Love Gov" and in the other bath tub, his Kathy, each with outstretched arms holding hands as the sun is setting in the west.
Cialis for "When The Moment Is Right"
Way out in the land of the setting sun,
Where the wind blows wild and free,
There's a lovely spot, just the only one
That means home sweet home to me.
If you follow the old Kit Carson trail,
Until desert meets the hills,
Oh you certainly will agree with me,
It's the place of a thousand thrills.
Home means Nevada.
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