Wag's Blog
Las Vegas, Nevada - What Happens Here Doesn't Always Stay Here!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Pink World
It's a Pink Morale thing:
Town Painted Pink to Lift Morale
PATNA, India - Authorities in eastern eastern India are painting a crime-infested town pink in the hope that an image makeover will lift the sagging morale of residents who are fed up with the decline in law and order, officials said on Monday.
The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar -- one of India's most backward and poorest states -- is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
Officials say the idea of painting the city pink originated from the dominant Rajput community, who migrated from the western state of Rajasthan where the capital, Jaipur is known as the pink city of India.
"Only a few buildings (in Jaipur) bear the pink color. Aurangabad will actually be the country's real pink city," said Arvind Kumar Singh, a senior government official overseeing the work who is also a Rajput.
With the city's two million residents complaining about poor quality of life and depression due to crime, officials said they had decided to paint the city pink ahead of the Hindu festival of light, Diwali.
Local residents said they welcomed the new lick of paint to the town. "The town does not seem to carry any of its past look and we feel happy about it," said Santosh Kumar, a local businessman.
If a little paint ends killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars, let's paint the world pink.
It's a Pink Awareness thing:
Man Paints Bridge Pink Without Approval
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. - His intentions may have been good, but 26-year-old Jason Sansom probably should have asked for permission before painting a Huntington bridge pink. Sansom says he was walking by the bridge over Fourpole Creek in Ritter Park last weekend when he noticed it needed a paint job.
He decided then and there that he wanted to do something to help clean up the city, so he bought $50 worth of paint and went to work painting it pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
He got about an hour into the paint job before a park official stopped him.
Jim McClelland, executive director of the Greater Huntington Park and Recreation District, said he became aware of Sansom's deed when he got a call from his superintendent of buildings and grounds.
He asked Sansom to finish painting and to come back when the weather is warmer to repaint it, this time with white paint.
While breast cancer awareness is a fine cause, McClelland said that's not what the park is there for.
Any colors in the park system have to be approved by the district.
Of course, here is an enterprising young guy who wanted to clean up the city, and bring notice to Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Now the pink will turn to red - red tape, that is - he will learn about red tape dealing with the city!!
It's a dark pink thing:
From Tenn., another kind of red tape chronicle
VA employee gets 4 years for taking kickbacks on purchase of the real thing
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - A Veterans Affairs employee was sentenced to nearly four years in prison for taking more than $115,000 in kickbacks on the purchase of red tape — actual red tape.
The tape is stamped with the word “security” and is intended to deter tampering.
Natalie Coker, former associate director of a VA pharmacy in Murfreesboro, was arrested along with her boss in November in a scheme to collect kickbacks from a company that was selling the tape to the federal agency at inflated prices.
Coker was sentenced on Tuesday, her boss committed suicide the day after his arrest.
Money money, is anyone honest anymore? Show me the money!!
It's a pink little thing:
Police Find Naked Man Stuck in Window
FORREST CITY, Ark. - Authorities say a would-be burglar's plot was foiled when he got stuck - naked - in the window of a house. The man was caught before he could take anything from an apartment he was allegedly trying to rob, Forrest City police said.
Dennis Reed Jr., 19, was arrested Saturday when police found him stuck between an air conditioning unit and a window frame of the apartment, police said. Reed was nude when police found him.
Reed told police that he was forced at gunpoint to break into the apartment by a subject he only knew by his first name.
Officers and emergency personnel initially tried to free Reed, but were unsuccessful. Reed was finally freed after the fire department's rescue squad rescue personnel entered the apartment and removed the air conditioner.
Didn't your mother tell you never leave the house naked especially if you are going to rob someone?
Maybe he was breaking in to steal clothes!
Sounds like the emergency personnel took their time freeing him!
I wonder how many cell phone cameras captured the event?
Sun pink Thing:
Nude Resorts Expose Themselves to World
DAWSONVILLE, Ga. - Clothing-free resorts have traditionally been rustic, mom-and-pop campgrounds hidden deep in the woods, away from prying eyes and bluenosed politicians. But now, fancy nude recreation spots are springing up along major highways, and resort owners are joining chambers of commerce, sponsoring charity drives and hosting civic events.
"We're no longer hiding," said Joe Lettelleir, owner of Dawsonville's Paradise Valley Resort, who this summer proved his point by taking a cross-country trip on a bus that dared onlookers to call a toll-free number for more information.
The Dawsonville resort was once so secretive it was called Hidden Valley. It is tucked along a winding country lane, and once consisted of little more than a few RV sites around a foot-deep pond.
But now it is undergoing a major luxury expansion. Neighbors and business owners are encouraged to stop by for a look at the 108-acre property, which was turned into a clothing-optional resort to encourage more visitors. And annual fundraisers for local charities draw hundreds of motorcyclists and joggers to its gates.
The new let-it-all-hang-out attitude is reflected right down to the name of the resort, which dropped "Hidden" from its modest welcome sign three years ago.
"Once upon a time, people built walls. And the feeling was, `We've got to have walls. We've got to be obscure,"' said Erich Schuttauf, executive director of the American Association for Nude Recreation. "That really left people wondering what happens behind those walls. Folks didn't realize it was basically just a club, what a swim and tennis club would resemble."
Owners regularly look to one of the oldest nudist spots, the Cypress Cove Nudist Resort and Spa in Kissimmee, Fla., as a pioneer of this openness.
For 20 years, the resort has hosted an annual July open house to welcome neighbors. More recently, it has sponsored a yearly chamber of commerce event and an annual Body of Art show featuring about 25 artists and their nudist artwork.
"By demystifying it, people understand us better - and people don't think we're a bunch of crackpots," said Dean Hadley, the resort's manager.
One way to do so, a group of residents at Tampa's Paradise Lakes Resort decided five years ago, was to form the world's first nudist Lions Club. Members meet twice a month at the resort's restaurant and raise more than $10,000 each year to buy eye care for the needy and give to the blind.
"We've got to raise money from people who don't have pockets," laughed the civic group's 71-year-old president, Bob Moore. "But when it comes time to give us money, they go home and find the money!"
Big construction projects also reflect the new, not-so-shy attitude. The sprawling Desert Shadows Inn Resort and Villas in Palm Springs, Calif., built a "Bridge of Thighs" that links two parts of the resort across a major road, serving as a very public reminder to passing drivers in the "textile" world.
At Dawsonville's Paradise Valley, contractors are laboring on the first phase of a $30 million project to construct 152 condos and 40 townhouses, mostly for residents of nearby towns looking for a scenic weekend getaway.
The resort has only five full-time residents, but dozens of members gather each Saturday for theme parties at the Bare Cheeks Lodge. On weekends, the Valley's three pools are standing-room only, and the diner (motto: "No top, no shoes, no problem") is packed.
Gary, the Valley's resident pastor, has married at least 25 couples, many of whom met at the resort. He moved to the resort 10 years ago and never looked back.
"I've got safety, contentment and happiness," said Gary, who prefers not to use his last name. "And I've got naked people. Some pretty. Some not."
The resort is a few miles outside the Dawsonville city limits, and Mayor Joe Lane Cox said "people just kind of ignore it."
"They don't cause any problems," said Cox, a 67-year-old lifelong Dawsonville resident. "They come out in the community, attend meetings. And they're just like everybody else when they do - they blend in."
I like their attitude "let-it-all-hang-out" and their bridge "Bridge of Thighs." I'm not sure about it being basically just a club, what "a swim and tennis club would resemble."
Tennis anyone?
Blush pink thing:
How to attract voters’ attention? Cleavage
Alabama Libertarian runs for governor on boobs vs. boobs platform

"It started out as a joke, but it blew up into something huge," Nall said.
Nall, who spoke in an interview Friday on the Capitol steps, realizes that's about as close as she is going to get to the governor's office. But her "anything goes" style of campaigning — including campaign gear showing her smiling in a low-cut dress — has helped her attract attention not normally enjoyed by write-in candidates in Alabama, including spots on conservative radio talk shows and speeches at staid civic clubs.
Nall said that once she gets voters' attention, they eventually notice her campaign platform, which calls for tax credits for sending children to private school and home schooling, opting out of the No Child Left Behind Act, legalizing marijuana, and not complying with the Patriot Act and the Real ID Act.
Nall said one issue in her platform that seems to be getting lots of positive response is trying to withdraw the Alabama National Guard from Iraq.
"When people in Alabama get tired of kicking the ass of brown people, it's time to pull out," she said in her characteristically over-the-top style.
Political handicaps
Campaigning for Nall has been difficult.
The Libertarian Party couldn't collect the 40,000 signatures from voters that were needed to get her name on the ballot as a regular candidate, and she hasn't reached the $25,000 threshold in campaign contributions that would require her to file a campaign finance report with the state.
Despite the political handicaps, the 32-year-old with dyed blond hair knows how to get plenty of free attention.
Early in her campaign, she talked about how her misdemeanor arrest for marijuana possession in 2002 caused her to start the U.S. Marijuana Party and become an advocate for decriminalizing marijuana.
Then she entertained readers of her campaign Web site with lots of information about her personal life, including a discussion of why she doesn't wear panties.
‘More of these boobs’
Now her campaign is offering everything from T-shirts to marijuana stash boxes adorned with a photo of her in a dress with a plunging neckline and the words: "More of these boobs."
Below that are pictures of other candidates for governor — including Republican incumbent Bob Riley and Democratic Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley — along with the words: "And less of these boobs."
Nall, who designed the campaign art work, said the idea came to her after a weekly newspaper columnist wrote about her campaign one week and then wrote an apology the next week for the paper accompanying his column with a picture of Nall that showed lots of cleavage.
Nall said she was offended at first that her neckline was being discussed in the newspaper, but then realized that when a campaign budget runs lower than a neckline, "you have to be outrageous to get attention."
Boobs, lots of cleavage and it blew up into something huge! Sounds like a normal campaign to me.
It's a pink nail thing:
Woman Has Longest Fingernails in World

Now there's a record. This woman is 65 and thinks that is neat!! The only thing those would be good for is scratching her rear end.
And some people think the kids today are weird?
Join me tomorrow when I tell you about the people and pooch party we had today.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
After Death
Better dead than alive.
Ever wonder how much money you can make when you are dead? I ask myself that question everyday.
Take a look at how much these dead people made last year according to Forbes Magazine.
Some made more dead than alive.
Top-Earning Dead Celebrities

Earnings: $50 million
Occupation: Musician
Died: April 5, 1994
Age: 27
Cause: Suicide
Will Kurt Cobain sell cars? Perhaps. The Nirvana front man's music could start popping up in some unexpected places now that his widow Courtney Love has sold a 25% stake in his band's song catalog to Primary Wave, a New York music publishing company. Primary Wave, which paid a reported $50 million for its stake, has already struck a deal to feature Nirvana music in an episode of CSI: Miami. Now it is considering licensing the music to certain marketers. Meanwhile, Nirvana's recording catalog sold 1.1 million units in the U.S. in 2005 and is on track to come close to that total this year as well, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

Earnings: $42 million
Occupation: Musician
Died: Aug. 16, 1977
Age: 42
Cause: Heart attack
Die-hard fans of the King continue to buy more product, such as another boxed set of his greatest hits and the umpteenth release of the King's legendary recordings for Sun Records. But Presley's estate, now managed by Robert Sillerman's CKX, has seen a slight falloff in the Elvis business in the last year. Presumably that will pick up again if CKX is able to pull off the Elvis-themed Las Vegas attraction it has in the works.

Earnings: $35 million
Occupation: Cartoonist
Died: Feb. 12, 2000
Age: 77
Cause: Colon cancer
The Peanuts gang gets play every day through syndication in 2,400 newspapers around the world. But the real money comes from licensing, a hefty piece of which goes to the Schulz estate. U.S. retailer Urban Outfitters, for instance, is pushing a line of T-shirts, a Christmas tree and--soon--replicas of Linus' security blanket. This summer, China introduced a set of stamps featuring Snoopy in different locations throughout the country.

Earnings: $24 million
Occupation: Musician
Died: Dec. 8, 1980
Age: 40
Cause: Murder
Lennon's legacy was burnished again this year with the release of The U.S. Vs. John Lennon, a documentary by Lionsgate recounting the late Beatle's peace activism and his battles with the U.S. government. Meanwhile, the Beatles continue to sell more than a million discs a year in the U.S., according to Nielsen SoundScan. More money could be in the pipeline: In August, a New York state Supreme Court judge cleared the way for the Beatles, living and deceased, to sue EMI Group for at least $25 million in damages and unpaid royalties and for the rights to the band's master recordings. In October, Lennon's widow Yoko Ono sued EMI for $10 million in unpaid royalties on sales of Lennon's solo recordings.

Earnings: $20 million
Occupation: Scientist
Died: April 18, 1955
Age: 76
Cause: Natural causes
Albert Einstein's genius continues to inspire thinkers of all stripes, while his visage makes marketers write big checks--image licensing shop Corbis says it gets more requests for Einstein than for any other person. Rights to Einstein's name belong to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which also earns a substantial cut from Walt Disney's Baby Einstein line of educational toys and videos.

Earnings: $19 million
Occupation: Artist
Died: Feb 22, 1987
Age: 58
Cause: Complications after a gall bladder operation
The pop artist remains a pop icon. Most recently, his estate, managed by the nonprofit Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, signed off on a new apparel line with jeansmaker Levi Strauss & Co. It will also reap royalties from a licensing deal with Barneys New York. The high-end department store will feature Warhol's work in a holiday campaign--think bags, billboards and store windows--aptly titled "Happy Warholidays."

Earnings: $10 million
Occupation: Author
Died: Sept. 24, 1991
Age: 87
Cause: Natural causes
The Grinch is coming to Broadway. Representatives of Geisel's green icon of Christmas had to strike an agreement with the theater unions in order to put on 12 shows a week, four more than the industry standard. But ticket prices, all under $100, are cheaper than for most musicals. Meanwhile, his cherished children's books still fly from the shelves, bringing in millions of dollars every year.

Earnings: $10 million
Occupation: Musician
Died: June 10, 2004
Age: 73
Cause: Liver disease
Charles' estate continues to benefit from a rekindled interest in the musician's life and work. Royalties from Ray, the 2004 biopic staring Jaime Foxx, continue to roll in, boosted by DVD sales; so do dollars from the sale of his music.

Earnings: $8 million
Occupation: Actress
Died: Aug. 5, 1962
Age: 36
Cause: Overdose of sleeping pills
Marilyn Monroe remains the embodiment of Hollywood glamour, and her likeness continues to grace products and advertisements alike. New deals include a "Marilyn" perfume line in Europe; other recent projects include advertising campaigns with Dom Perignon, Absolut and General Motors.

Earnings: $8 million
Occupation: Musician
Died: Sept. 12, 2003
Age: 71
Cause: Complications from diabetes
The Man in Black had a banner year last year, and this year has been even better--he's sold 3.6 million discs in the U.S. this year, up from 2.8 million in 2005. Those totals have been boosted by the February DVD release of his biopic, and two new album releases: Personal File, a Sony Music collection of previously unreleased tracks, and Lost Highway's American V: A Hundred Highways, from Cash's final recording sessions with producer Rick Rubin.
Wow, here us average Joes are working hard just to put food on the table and gas in the car.
These dead people don't have to lift a finger and look at the bucks they make!!
I did the math - the first year after my death if Vicki sells my personal possessions at a garage sale I should make about $27.92.
That is, of course, if she doesn't let someone talk her down on price.
That's it for this Saturday. I hope today's blog enlightened you. Join me once again on Sunday for all the news you can use.