The World of Animals
Tabby Cat Chases Bear Up Tree, Twice

Jack's on duty.
This cat is obviously a fan of the TV program "24." Jack thinks he is Jack Bauer!!! What a wuss the bear is!
Escaped Bull Startles Maine Neighborhood
A one-ton rodeo bull escaped from a pen, setting off a chase that involved police and a horseback rider before the animal was captured in a backyard. He gave handlers a battle and neighbors a start before being herded into a trailer.
It's a good thing that bull was in Maine and not in New Jersey where Jack's on duty!!! Can you just see the bull climbing a tree?
Australians Try to Find Ugliest Sheep
Australian researchers have launched a search for the country's ugliest sheep - no matter how wrinkled, lumpy, bald or just plain funny looking.
OK who votes on this one? According to the sheepherders that spend those long lonely nights on the range, "they never met an ugly sheep." They do, however, have to drink a six pack sometimes to enhance the beauty of some of the sheep!!!!!!!!!!!
Judge Ordered to Keep Dogs at Home
EASTPOINTE, Mich. - A state judicial agency says a dog's place is in the home and has ordered a suburban Detroit judge to stop bringing pet terriers, Lurch and Lizzard, to court.
"Animals don't understand that court proceedings are not to be disturbed."
That's correct animals(criminals) don't understand court proceedings and if they didn't break the laws they wouldn't be there. Dogs, however, are much smarter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget the sunscreen — for your pet
Summer is here, it's hot, and this is my public service announcement for today!!!!!!!

Sunscreen, check. Plenty of fresh water, check. Swimming lessons, check. Flea control, check.
Heat and humidity affect pets. High temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion or the more dangerous heatstroke. One of the most important precautions for preventing both conditions is to never leave your pet in a car during warm months.
Take care of your best friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A daily blog is a lot of work. Maybe once or twice a week would work better for you. That said, I enjoy your stories and photos.
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