Say What
Judge: ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ to decide dispute
If lawyers can't decide where to play, it'll be on courthouse steps
TAMPA, Fla. - A federal judge, miffed at the inability of opposing attorneys to agree on even the slightest details of a lawsuit, ordered them to settle their latest dispute with a game of “rock, paper, scissors.” The argument was over a location to take the sworn statement of a witness in an insurance lawsuit.
"No, I wanna have it here." "No, you can't, I want it here." "That's not fair" "Too bad Na Na Na." Grown up attorneys acting like 2 year olds, the judge has it right. The attorneys think it is OK because they get to keep running up their billable hours.
Wendy's banishes ‘Biggie’ size
But fast-food chain's portions won't get smaller
“Biggie” fries and drinks at Wendy’s have been demoted.

The Biggie portion size, formerly the fast food restaurant’s equivalent of a large, will now be called a medium. It’s only a name change, and the portion customers get — won’t get smaller.
"The move might help appease critics who accuse the fast food industry of inflating portions and contributing to the nation’s obesity problem," said restaurant analyst Dennis Lombardi. Removing the Biggie designation makes size “less of an issue for people who want to talk about restaurants who offer excessively large portions,” he said.
McDonald’s Corp. phased out its extra-large “Supersize” fries and drinks in 2004 amid pressure to provide healthier options.
OK check this out, I am totally confused with Starbucks Venti, Grande and Tall, but I sure as hell knew what a Biggie and a Supersize was. Why is everyone else worried about what I eat and how much of it I eat? Let the ones who worry about what they eat order accordingly and leave me alone. Besides, if healthy is what you want, McDonald's and Wendy's may not be the place to eat. My God, those fries look scrumptious. I have to take a break and go get 3 or 4 orders of some size!
I have been a smoker for over 40 years. My brand by choice has always been Marlboro Reds in the box.
No, I am not able to quit so don't go there!
For as long as I have been smoking, all of the Marlboro packages of cigarettes had three Latin words at the horses' feet on the front of the box.

Veni Vidi Vici.
Today, while opening up the box to get out a smoke, I made a startling discovery. Those words are gone - not there - disappeared - and when they disappeared I know not.
In the past, smoking was an accepted practice and we had no idea of the ramifications of smoking. Now the world knows the hazards of smoking, and as we all know now, it is not something someone should start. This is not about that. This asks my burning question of where did the three Latin words go? I suspect Philip Morris ditched those words before anyone caught on.
Let me enlighten those of you who don't know. The English translation of those words is "I came - I saw - I conquered."
They certainly did - They Came, They Saw and They Conquered all of us addicted smokers past and present.
Take it from me, don't start or you will be hooked!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone knows when it was taken off and why, please let me know.
Pro Wrestler Miffed by Pregnancy Tests
A professional wrestler claimed Friday that the state is intruding on her privacy by requiring her to provide proof from her doctor that she is not pregnant within a week of every match.
Now this appears to be a clear case of discrimination against women. Where is the equality? It singles out women since the men are not required to provide proof from their doctor that they are not pregnant.
Now that lawsuits are the norm, I think she has a strong case and should sue!!!!!
Next time try a towel?
Dutch police confiscate car of man who said he was speeding to dry it off
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Police confiscated the car of a Dutchman caught speeding who said he only wanted to dry his car after he had washed it.
Cheap bastard should have gone to a full service car wash!!!!! I might try that excuse though!
Fossils from a new species of a 150 million-year-old dwarf dinosaur have been found in northern Germany.
It is the first case of island dwarfing proven for sauropod dinosaurs. Sauropods were the largest animals that lived on Earth. The new dwarf species are called Europasaurus.

Here they can be seen frolicking in a park-like setting and standing in some sort of little mud puddle in front of what appears to be a Denny's.
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