Two That Cheated the System, Two That Are Heroes
Bonds wants Mitchell to give him immunity
Slugger's attorney doesn't believe MLB probe can protect client from feds

San Francisco Giants star Barry Bonds has been widely suspected of using steroids in recent years. A federal grand jury is trying to determine if Bonds lied about drug use in his testimony to the BALCO grand jury.
And let's see, if you are innocent, then what do you need immunity from? Also, does his body and especially his head appear to be getting smaller? Maybe he just got a haircut.
Princeton scholar from Dominican Republic fighting for legal immigration status
Dan-El Padilla has the potential to become one of the top classics scholars of his generation. But as the 21-year-old native of the Dominican Republic prepares to graduate from the prestigious school this week and deliver the traditional salutatorian address, a long-held secret that he kept from even his closest friends is now clouding his bright future.
Earlier this year, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Padilla revealed that he is an illegal immigrant. Padilla was 4 when his middle-class family came to the United States in 1989, so his pregnant mother could be treated for diabetes-related problems.
Maria Elena Peralta, suffered complications during the birth of Padilla's younger brother Yando and the family's six-month tourist visa expired during her recovery. They applied for an extension but never heard back from immigration officials which Padilla told The Star-Ledger of Newark "may have had to do with the fact that we were moving around (a lot)." Eventually, they were befriended by a man from a wealthy family who helped Padilla get a scholarship from the Collegiate School, an upscale Manhattan prep school. He later received a full scholarship to Princeton, despite disclosing on his application that he was not a U.S. citizen and had no student visa.
Soap box time.
1. They came here for diabetes related problems, like this is the only country that could deal with diabetes. One more abuse of our system!
2. "Never heard back from immigration officials which may have had to do with the fact that we were moving around (a lot)." One wonders if the immigration department moved as well so Peralta was unable to contact them?
3. They were befriended by a man from a wealthy family who helped Padilla get a scholarship from the Collegiate School, an upscale Manhattan prep school. That wealthy man could not locate the immigration department either.
4. He later received a full scholarship to Princeton, despite disclosing on his application that he was not a U.S. citizen and had no student visa. So let me understand this correctly, there was no deserving legal citizen in the United States of America that deserved that scholarship at the time it was awarded to him?
Oh, illegal immigrants do not burden our system!
There oughta be a law against things like this! Oh wait, there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, his 200-page visa application included letters of support from New York's two U.S. senators, Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, and U.S. Congressman Rush Holt of New Jersey.
Baby Abandoned in Bag Now a Graduate
Ashley Wyrick may be one of the most unlikely members of this year's high school graduating class.
"I was 2- to 4-hours old. I was found abandoned in a paper bag. I was left behind a rock at 6 o'clock at night in the dead of winter" at an intersection in Redwood City, Calif., on Dec. 30, 1987.
Even growing up, Wyrick's life has been difficult. Her adoptive parents divorced and then her adoptive father, who had custody, died of cancer when she was 9. She was raised by his adult daughter, who also battled cancer.
I wonder if this well-deserving graduate will get a scholarship? Oh wait, even though this young lady has persevered to get to where she is and the fact she is a legal citizen of the United States, she probably will not!!!!!
Real-Life 'Superhero' to the Rescue
There never happens to be a superhero around when you need one. That is, unless you happen to be near Galactic Pizza in Minneapolis.
It dresses all its delivery people in superhero costumes and one of them, Cameron Evans, took his role seriously, coming to the aid of a mugging victim. "I don't think I could have attained the necessary speed had I been in my civilian wear. The Spandex really helps. It streamlines me. Makes me more aerodynamic. It allows me to pursue evildoers at nearly twice the speed of a pair of jeans and a T-shirt."
Here He Comes to save the day. Luke Pie-Rocker swings into action ridding the city of crime. His heroes have always been Batman, Superman and the Fantistic 4.
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