Cruising on a Friday Afternoon
Let's start off with some trivia and see if you can answer this question.
Nevada is the largest storage facility in the United States for what? The answer will be at the end of today's post.
Finally someone from Hollywood gets it right!
Cher Hits Capitol Hill for Better Army Helmets
The 60-year-old Oscar-winning entertainer will appear Thursday before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces with Dr. Bob Meaders, the founder of Operation Helmet, a nonprofit group that supplies helmet upgrade kits. Cher jumped into the cause six weeks ago donating $25,000 and soon after sent an additional $106,000.
I hate to admit how out of touch I am. I thought our military would have the very best combat helmets. The government pays $400.00 for a hammer, and it does not supply our troops with the most technological helmets. Private funds have to be raised? This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. The politicians vote themselves a pay raise and tax us to death, and we cannot afford helmets for the people that give us that freedom. A whole lot of us need to be more vocal!!!!!!!!! Where is the mouth from Nevada, Harry Reid?
Founding Beach Boys Reunite After Ten Years
LOS ANGELES - Three of the original Beach Boys appeared together in public for the first time in a decade on Tuesday to toast their musical legacy and hinted at the possibility of a reunion performance.

The three original band members have not performed together in years. But, asked about the possibility of sharing the stage again, Wilson replied, "There's a chance of that."
They, like all of us that grew up on their music, have gotten old but their music is gold. Let's hope for a little nostalgic trip down memory lane and, no matter how they sound, they do perform together once again!!!

This guy offered to join the Beach Boys, but after one look at his guitar they thought he may be a little too heavy metal for them!!!!!!!

As I have stated before I am not a big reader, but the one book/magazine I read cover to cover is the Readers Digest. On the back cover of each issue is great art work that reminds me of Norman Rockwell's art. The artist is C. F. Payne.
"Highway Patrol" by C. F. Payne
To see more of his artwork, click here.
The answer to today's trivia question of what Nevada is the largest storage facility for:

They are stored on every street and highway throughout the entire state. There is never anyone working near them, they are just stored, and there are so many we have almost run out of vacant areas on and along the highways and streets!!!!!
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