Food for Thought
It's Friday. Woo Hoo!!
Today a different twist for the blog!!
Tomorrow is Saturday and time for grocery shopping!

If you are staying home and not traveling this year, you will most likely be shopping this weekend for that Thanksgiving dinner.
Everywhere you look the grocery stores are offering sales on turkeys or even buy one, get one free.
Here's a thought, if you don't get a free turkey, at most an extra turkey might cost you $5.00.
OK, are you with me so far?
Now, as you are looking at the turkeys the store usually has strategically placed cans of corn, yams, string beans, stove top stuffing, and all those kinds of items close by.
Also, not too far away are potatoes. You are still with me, right?
So go ahead, load your basket with a turkey, a few cans of corn, yams, string beans and stove top stuffing. Live dangerously and add a bag of potatoes.
Looks good, can't wait, wow is that gonna be good! Oh wait, I forgot to mention, add all this in addition to what you were already buying for your Thanksgiving dinner.
Let's see now,
1 large Turkey - at worst case $5.00
2 cans of corn $1.00
2 cans of yams $1.00
2 cans of string beans $1.00
2 boxes stove top stuffing $3.00
5 lb. of potatoes $2.00
For a sub total of $13.00
Well 13's an odd number, so add 4 more cans of something and make it an even $15.00.
So now you are getting impatient and wondering where I am headed with this, right?
OK, what I want you to do now is think - will you really miss that $15.00?
OK, what I want you to do now is think of all the ways $15.00 will make you happy!
OK, what I want you to do now is think of all the ways $15.00 will make you feel good.
How would you like to sit down to your Thanksgiving dinner feeling good and with a smile being happy with yourself?
Well, you can, yes you can, and you can feel comfortable with the knowledge you helped someone else.
Oh but wait, I forgot to tell you to have all of the above items bagged separately to make it easier when you stop by your choice of charity to drop off your $15.00 of food so someone less fortunate will be able to enjoy a great Thanksgiving meal as well!!
By sharing a bountiful feast with others you not only will help them, but you will help yourself as well. You will realize that is one of the best $15.00 you have ever spent.
But wait, I'm not done!!
How many of you are cooking more than you can eat the entire week?
How many of you know someone that is alone for Thanksgiving? A casual acquaintance, a friend or neighbor.
Consider this - invite them to join you for dinner. Make it easy on everyone, them included. Set a specific time to arrive for dinner and a specific time the festivities are over!
Oh just so you know, you do not have to have your house spotless for them to come to dinner.
People don't care and don't look, they will just be excited and thankful that someone would think to share their bountiful feast with them!
The cost for my ideas, no more than $15.00.
The cost for feeling good with yourself. Priceless!!!!
So goes another Friday in Wag's Wacky World.
Slide on back tomorrow and see more of the ramblings of a mindless man!!!
Just when I think you are about to invite a poor widower to a great Thanksgiving meal, I learn you are heading out of town for the holiday. Your write up made my mouth water and now I can only dream of better luck at Christmas. I guess I will have to live with the two invitations for Thanksgiving dinner that I already have (different days of course). Gene
Excellent blog. Great ideas. Very doable.
What about the dogs dinner? You could have added an extra can of dog food or bag of treats??
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