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Wild things:
Wild deer escapes troublesome plastic pumpkin
Animal had been unable to eat due to fake jack-o’-lantern stuck on snout

Two children found a dented, hair-lined plastic pumpkin in their yard Friday night, and other neighbors saw a thin deer running free, The Grand Rapids Press reported. It was rainy Friday, which rescuers think helped the young deer wriggle free.
Rescuers had planned to use a dart gun to tranquilize the yearling, then remove the bucket, meant for collecting candy.
The bucket was stuck on the animal’s snout, hanging like a feed bag, preventing it from eating or drinking. It had appeared to be snagged on the buck’s ears or horn buds.
Dr. Wendy Swift, a veterinarian, said there was some water residue in the bucket, which probably provided the deer with some water to drink.
“I think this deer will be just fine,” Swift said.
The deer had been out trick or treating and just couldn't wait to get to the candy and see what happened!
Next year the deer is going to take a pillow case when it goes trick or treating!!
Ceramic Deer No Match for the Real Thing
OOSTBURG, Wis. - A ceramic deer came out the loser when attacked by the real thing.
Ruth Hesselink, of Holland, Wis., reported that the deer replica in her yard was destroyed in an attack.
Hesselink told authorities a buck took on its ceramic counterpart.
A deputy who went to the scene found "obvious track marks" that supported Hesselink's account.
Among the damage, the head of the ceramic deer was knocked off.
When deer are in their fall rutting season, the desire to mate can make bucks more aggressive with other males and less cautious when pursuing does.
Was that really the case or did the deer remember which house gave out a real small piece of candy on Halloween causing the deer to get its head stuck in the plastic jack o'lantern?
I'll show them for putting out a ceramic deer welcoming trick or treaters - I kicked his butt!!!
Some turkey stalls traffic at Triborough Bridge
No, really — wild bird disrupts NYC bridge toll plaza just before rush hour
NEW YORK - A small wild turkey wandered onto a busy New York City bridge toll plaza, halting traffic for about 15 minutes as workers chased the fowl down.
No one knows how the 10-pound female bird ended up on the Triborough Bridge, which connects the boroughs of Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges and Tunnels officials received a call that there was a loose bird just before the start of the evening rush hour, and six officers chased it around the Manhattan toll plaza.
The frightened turkey skittered back and forth across the plaza, evading capture for 15 minutes. Bridge officers finally cornered it, and a construction worker snatched it.
MTA officials talked with state and city animal control authorities and released the turkey into a wooded area on nearby Wards Island, which has acres of open land inhabited by pheasants, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks.
That turkey was trying to commit suicide rather than be someone's Thanksgiving dinner!!!!
Restaurant Comes to Lobster's Rescue
BETHLEHEM, N.H. - Monstro the 15-pound lobster didn't wind up on the menu.
The giant lobster caught 100 miles off the Massachusetts coast spent last month in the lobster tank at Angelica's Restaurant in Bethlehem. He recently was returned to the water, just off the southern tip of West Island, five miles from New Bedford, Mass.
Fred Cunha, the restaurant owner, bought the 37-inch Monstro with his 15-inch-long claws from a New Bedford fishing boat . Cunha estimates Monstro is 50 years old.
Fifteen-pound lobsters are rare anywhere, but especially in the North Country.
Half the customers who weighed in on the subject wanted to eat Monstro; the other half felt sorry for him.
After persistent lobbying from diners and his 7-year-old daughter Angelica, Cunha decided to raffle off Monstro, with the winner deciding whether to send him to the ocean or the cooking pot.
So Monstro lounged in the restaurant's tank with Mr. Crabby, Angelica's pet 2-pound lobster, feasting on minced crab and scallops. Cunha sold chances at $1 apiece until he reached Monstro's retail price of $150.
"She was really worried," Cunha said of his daughter. "She really wanted him to go free."
Last Friday, Angelica drew the winning ticket. The winner, Claire Lupton of Whitefield, doesn't eat lobster. She said a lobster that big and that old shouldn't end up on a dinner plate.
The Monstro raffle was so successful that Cunha extended it to another lobster, a 9-pounder who'd joined Monstro in the tank a couple of weeks ago. That lobster was set free, too.
Some Dad this guy is, his daughter was really worried and all he cared about was the money! At least someone who eats there had some sense and made this idiot's daughter happy!!
Driver Threatens Police With Snake
SYDNEY - An Australian driver threatened police with a live snake after he was pulled over for a breath test for driving under the influence of alcohol, police said on Monday.
The driver in the outback Northern Territory was stopped by police just outside the city of Darwin after they saw him swerving.
After registering a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit, the man ran onto the road and picked up a live snake.
"The driver allegedly armed himself with a live snake, pointed the head of the reptile at them and threatened them," said police.
Police told the man to drop the snake, but he ran into bushland still carrying it. The man has been charged with drunken driving and will appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court.
Now there's a surprise, alcohol was involved!
I had no idea Australia had so many snakes you could just run out into the road and pick one up any time a cop stopped you!!!
Another Thursday has arrived, we are headed to the always exciting weekend!!
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