Our Vacation - Part 2
Saturday and the official start of our vacation. To clarify for those that don't know, Zoe is our dog.

OK, it's 5 A.M. and I am ready to embrace the day. I tell Zoe let's go out for her morning exercise. She opens one eye, looks at the clock, rolls over and starts snoring.
The wife raises her head and asks "what the hell do I think I am doing up 5:00 in the morning."
I tell her the sun is coming up in an hour or so and will be shining, the birds will be singing. and it is time to get on the road.
She then calmly explains to me "we are on vacation and the only way we will be getting up at 5 A.M. is if the hotel is on fire."
I said well yeah, but, but. So about 8 A.M. we were headed for the Continental breakfast which we didn't want to miss out on.
After all, Continental sounds like we are in Europe and it must really be something because a continental kit on a car was special and a Lincoln Continental is classy.
Well, no white bread just wheat bread for toast, cereal, and apples. Continental doesn't mean what I thought it did. Well, now it is definitely time to roll.
We ease out of the driveway and as I hit the onramp to the freeway I stand on the accelerator and get that baby up to cruising speed.
The wife looks over at me and asks "just what do you think you are doing going so fast?" I respond I'm following your instructions like I always do dear.
"What part of vacation don't you understand," she says. "I want to enjoy the scenery so slow down."
After an hour it hit me, I know what the wife needs, so at the Redding exit I stop and get her an espresso.

Then back on the road and now we were all able to enjoy the beautiful drive up and over Mt. Shasta.
When we finally get to Yreka California it is time for lunch and I am worried that all the restaurants will be full with all the people that passed us on the highway. Where will we find a place to eat?
Someone told me that when you are in an unfamiliar town the best way to find a good place is to ask someone who lives there.
Well, you know a man hates to ask for anything, but while filling the car with gas I asked a guy who lived there if he knew a good place to eat. He gave me a blank stare as if I had ask him for a cancer cure.
Finally I asked him how Grandma's house was and he said yeah I ate there once a long time ago and the breakfast as best I can remember was good.
Hello, it was lunch time. See why we men don't like to ask?
Grandma's was good and then we were back on our way into Oregon.
Life is good now, we are fed, on the road, and have crossed into Oregon where the air is clean and the scenery is green.
We cruise through Coos Bay into Reedsport, then on to Florence where we will spend the night.

Being around water is a big thing to us so in Florence we stayed in a room overlooking a river and with a waterfall in the motel entrance.

Now we are in Oregon and it's time for dinner at Mo's on the waterfront. The Clam chowder was to die for!!
Well, look at the time. This looks like a good place to stop and as they say "leave the readers hanging on for the rest of the story." Check back tomorrow for more exciting reading with part 3.
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