Kids' Day
OK, if you are one of the handful of my readers you will recall the two 5-year-old drivers I told you about.
Well here's a story about a young driver picking out the car he wants to drive:
3-Year-Old Buys Pink Convertible on Internet

"Jack's a whiz on the PC and just pressed all the right buttons," Rachel Neal said.
The seller of the second-hand car, a dealer from Worcestershire, central England, was amused by the bid and agreed not to force the sale through.
"Luckily he saw the funny side and said he would re-advertise," Neal said.
I have a real problem with this story, and you will never guess what it is.
This kid is 3 years old and no it's not the fact that he bought a car, that I understand because cars are a guy thing.
No, what startles me is at 3 years old Jack's a whiz on the PC. Now that bothers me.
I know on, off, and reboot and this little kid buys cars on the computer!!! I need anti-depressant drugs now, and I mean now!!!!!
Brother of the year award:
Three-Year-Old Found Passed Out Drunk
Girl's 14-Year-Old Brother Arrested After Incident
Minneapolis - A 14-year-old boy was arrested after his 3-year-old sister was found passed out drunk from hard liquor at a home, police said.
The girl was unconscious when she was taken to a hospital after her sister called police Monday night, police spokesman Lt. Greg Reinhardt said. "The child could have easily died," he said.
She was recovering and had been released to a children's home by Wednesday morning. The girl's teenage brother was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of child endangerment, Reinhardt said. He said neglect or abuse appeared to have caused the girl's condition, rather than accidental alcohol poisoning.
Police would not release further details on the boy and any court proceedings because he is a juvenile. The girl's blood alcohol level was 0.12 percent, authorities said. Minnesota law considers drivers drunk when their blood alcohol level is 0.08 percent.
About one ounce of 40-proof liquor would cause that blood-alcohol level in a 3-year-old child of average weight, about 28 pounds. Kirk Hughes of the Minnesota Poison Control System said one ounce would be about two mouthfuls for such a child.
Reinhardt said police don't know what kind of hard liquor the girl drank. Reinhardt said the girl's mother was not home at the time.
The girl's mother was not home at the time. But alcohol was readily available for the 14-year-old to drink as well as share with the sister.
I wonder if the Mom left guns laying around as well?
Another mother of the year award:
Mom Who Let Baby Smoke Dope Wins Part of Appeal
San Francisco - A Montana mother who allowed her 18-month-old baby daughter to inhale from a marijuana water pipe on several occasions was properly convicted, but should not have to spend five years in jail, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday.
Jessica Durham was photographed allowing her toddler Michala to suck from a marijuana water pipe, also known as a bong, in 2004 by a friend upset about the activity.
"Ms. Durham allegedly remarked that smoking improved Michala's appetite and left Michala lethargic and mellow - a manner she found consistent with her own experience smoking marijuana," Judge Louis Pollak of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in summarizing the case.
In 2005, a lower court sentenced Durham to five years in prison for unlawful marijuana distribution. She appealed both the conviction and the sentence.
In its ruling on Friday, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit upheld the conviction but said the sentence exceeded the applicable federal law which calls for punishment of no more than two years in prison.
Mellow flower children in the 70's. This, however, is 2006. The flower power, free love and smoke whatcha got is supposed to be gone!!! Magic mushrooms are a thing of the past, aren't they?
Father of the year award:
Thanks for the help with the phobia, Dad
Father talks daughter into jumping off bridge, ends up breaking leg
Lantana, Fla. - It seems a father's plan to cure his daughter's fear of heights fell short. Troy Stewart and his 10-year-old daughter were on their daily bike ride about 7:45 p.m. Monday when Stewart, 31, suggested they jump off a 15 foot bridge. Stewart held his daughter Meagan Stewart's hand as they jumped off the bridge into the Intracoastal Waterway, authorities said.
"At first he said, `Do you want to do it or not?'" Meagan said. "I thought, `It's kind of high,' and then he's like, `Trust me.'"
Meagan made the jump safely, but her father ended up with a broken leg. She rode her bike half a mile home and told her mother, Mandy Potter. Potter called authorities, who found Stewart waiting on the edge of Lantana Bicentennial Park.
"In his mind, he was playing," Potter, 32, said of her partner of 10 years. "But I don't condone his child's play."
Stewart was not charged since Meagan jumped willingly. Officials from the state Department of Children and Families planned to interview Potter.
"This is an example of what not to do as a parent," police Capt. Andy Rundle said. "And let this be a lesson to everybody: Somebody's tried it, and it's not a good idea."
Meagan said she was not upset with her father, but she planned to have a talk with him when he returned home from the hospital.
"I'm going to tell him I don't think he should have done that and you should have learned your lesson," she said.
In his mind, he was playing his partner of 10 years said!
The family must have some fun activities they enjoy together if jumping off a 15 foot bridge is his idea of fun!!
She says "I don't condone his child's play." Now she is a brain trust as well.
I know, for fun let's play dodge cars on the interstate. Won't that be fun?
Parents of the year award:

Aw, isn't that sweet? Most people bronze the baby shoes!!

That's the world today Thursday, September 27th of 2006.
Stop by tomorrow September 28th for more of all the news you can use!!!!
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