Sick Saturday
Another twist to an already twisted case:
Child porn case against Karr hits a snag
Prosecutors can’t find computer that allegedly contained illegal images

Santa Rosa, Calif. - Efforts to prosecute one-time JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect John Mark Karr on child pornography charges should not be jeopardized even though his computer that allegedly contained the images was lost, Sonoma County authorities said Wednesday.
Authorities seized the computer from Karr’s home in 2001 and copied the entire hard drive onto paper, including the five illicit images, said Sheriff’s Department Lt. Dave Edmonds. He said authorities looked for the computer for the past two weeks, but have had no luck.
“We did an exhaustive search. We have probably hundreds of thousands of evidence items and we’re certain at this point, through a couple of weeks of effort, that it’s not misplaced inside of our property unit,” he said
On Tuesday, prosecutors offered Karr a plea deal that would waive three of the five child pornography possession charges against Karr if he pleaded guilty to the two remaining ones. Karr would get credit for time served, would be placed on probation for three years and would be required to register as a sex offender.
“I wonder if that was the impetus of the offer today,” Karr’s attorney, Robert Amparan, said. “It seems like a pretty embarrassing mistake for the Sheriff’s Department to admit.”
Assistant District Attorney Larry Scoufos denied any connection between the missing computer and the plea deal offer.
Wow, Boulder, CO, wined him and dined him, paid for a first class flight to the United States and gave him 15 minutes of fame.
Thanks to Santa Rosa bungling the case, his 15 minutes of fame has been extended to 30 minutes. Now he will walk and be free to write a best selling novel!!!
Oh yeah, people will buy the book, you can bet on it!!
'Hello boys and girls, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Won't you be mine!!!!!'
Santa Rosa, CA, how close is Novato, CA, to you?
What to do while on trial for computer theft?
For California man, the answer is: Steal courthouse computers

"It just amazed me that someone could be in the middle of a jury trial for a burglary involving computers and immediately get involved in another burglary at the Civic Center," said sheriff's Sgt. Jerry Niess.
OK, make a deal with this guy to give back Karr’s home computer!!
Ohio Woman Reported Missing From Cruise Ship

This just in:
Miami Authorities and Carnival Cruise Lines have requested Santa Rosa, CA, authorities to provide John Mark Karr a first class ticket to Miami so authorities can question him about the disappearance of the Ohio woman from a Carnival Cruise Lines ship.
X-Rated Font Used on Third-Grade Handout
Monroe, N.Y. - School officials apologized after an X-rated font was used on a third-grade spelling packet handed out to parents. The font showed male and female stick figures in provocative poses to form the letters of the alphabet.
Officials with the Monroe-Woodbury School District in Orange County apologized last week after parents at Pine Tree Elementary School were given the spelling packet at an open house.
Administrators said the teacher did not use the font intentionally.
Did not use the font intentionally - I guess teachers don't teach students to double check their work anymore.
I wonder if teachers have heard the word 'proofread'?

Kids X-Rated John Mark Karr was also a teacher wasn't he?
Was he in New York recently?
Wow, teach them porn in 3rd grade, seduce them in the 8th or 9th grade. School is just not what it used to be!!!

That's all folks. Come back tomorrow for all the news you can use!!
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