Animal Kingdom
Today is a day for animal stories.

A good bear gone bad:
Killer Teddy Bear Leaves 2,500 Fish Dead

State officials say a teddy bear dropped into a pool at a Fish and Game Department hatchery earlier this month clogged a drain.
The clog blocked the flow of oxygen to the pool and suffocated the fish.
Hatcheries supervisor Robert Fawcett said the bear - who was dressed in yellow raincoat and hat - is believed to be the first stuffed bear to cause fatalities at the facility.
"We've had pipes get clogged, but it's usually with more naturally occurring things like a frog or even a dead muskrat," he said.
"This one turned out to be a teddy bear and we don't know how it got there."
The deaths prompted Fawcett to release a written warning: "RELEASE OF ANY TEDDY BEARS into the fish hatchery water IS NOT PERMITTED."
He said it's not known who dropped the bear, but urged anyone whose bear ends up in a hatchery pool to find a worker to remove it.
"They might save your teddy bear, and keep it from becoming a killer," he said.
"It's kind of a cute little teddy bear and people wouldn't think that a cute little teddy bear would be able to kill fish."
Now this is not my normal bear story. Obviously this Teddy had a bad childhood! Someone must have mistreated him!!!!
But bears love to eat fish.
This might not pass the smell test:
Skunk Lovers Gather for Annual Skunkfest

Skunk owner Jeri Lynn Poling says others may not understand, but skunks make great pets and are soft and cuddly. She thinks having a rat or a lizard or a snake is weird.
Poling and other polecat enthusiasts gathered in North Ridgeville, about 25 miles southwest of Cleveland, for the sixth annual Skunkfest.
The event raises money for Skunk Haven, a nonprofit group that saves and rehabilitates injured skunks. And, pet skunks compete in beauty, personality and costume contests.
By the way, they all pass the sniff test, because those domesticated skunks are deodorized.
Well, one can't be too sure. Suppose, just suppose, someone mixed in a non- deodorized skunk?
Anyone want to go to Ohio for some fun? hee hee!
Panty Raid!!!!!!!!!!!
Moose Wanders Onto University Campus

City police chased the animal away after the Tuesday evening incursion at Magers Hall. It was unclear whether the moose got inside the building.
"It's not unusual for a moose to do something like this now," said Dean Beyer, a Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist who has an office at Northern Michigan. "We're in the middle of the (mating) rut right about now.
"Moose, especially a young bull moose, will move long distances," he said. "They could be searching for a cow to mate with, or simply be a young bull dispersing after being chased away from its herd and looking for a new home range."
A yearling bull generally weighs 500 to 600 pounds, but any wild animal should be avoided, Beyer told The Mining Journal.
"They're more aggressive this time of year," he said. "It's always best to keep your distance."
Maybe he figured in the girls dorm they would think he was a football player looking for a little action!!!!.
Hey there big boy, why don't ya come up and see me sometime?
Snakes on my head! In the grass! In my home!
Idaho couple’s fixer-upper turns out to be crawling with serpents

Shortly after Lyman and Jeanine Hepworth began working on a rundown property outside of town, they experienced a trauma more fit for Samuel L. Jackson's character in "Snakes on a Plane" than a pair of eastern Idaho do-it-yourselfers.
Snakes, perhaps thousands of them, fell on Lyman Hepworth's head when he opened the door to a pump house near the small house the couple planned to buy.
"When it warmed up, we walked onto the yard and the whole yard moved," Jeanine Hepworth told the Rexburg Standard Journal.
One day, Lyman Hepworth reached to turn on a light and discovered the pull cord was actually a snake.
Last March, the Hepworths were having money troubles. Struggling to pay off their medical bills and make house payments, they sold their old home.
They planned to buy a home and a couple of outbuildings from an acquaintance on a few acres outside tiny Wilford.
Then they found the snakes — in the lawn, in the living room and in their hair.
The snakes are likely a terrestrial garter snake, Hanauska-Brown said. Reptiles are a protected species meaning the Hepworths cannot bait them or kill them, she said.
If they thought they had money problems before, now they are in real trouble when they try to sell.
Notice it said reptiles are a protected species meaning the Hepworths cannot bait them or kill them.
Their only hope is a sequel to Snakes on a Plane called Snakes in my Fixer-upper in Idaho!
Or "No, I said I wanted a house with servants, not serpents"!!!!
Last but not least I can't forget my Panda Bear story.

Man Bites Panda at Beijing Zoo
BEIJING - A drunken Chinese migrant worker jumped into a panda enclosure at the Beijing Zoo, was bitten by the bear and retaliated by chomping down on the animal's back.
Zhang Xinyan, from the central province of Henan, drank four jugs of beer at a restaurant near the zoo before visiting Gu the panda on Tuesday.
"He felt a sudden urge to touch the panda with his hand," and jumped into the enclosure.

"I bit the fellow in the back," Zhang was quoted as saying in the newspaper. "Its skin was quite thick."
Other tourists yelled for a zookeeper, who got the panda under control by spraying it with water, Zhang was hospitalized.
Newspaper photographs showed Zhang lying on a hospital bed with blood-soaked bandages and a seam of stitches running down his leg.
The Beijing Youth Daily quoted Zhang as saying that he had seen pandas on television and "they seemed to get along well with people."
"No one ever said they would bite people," Zhang said. "I just wanted to touch it. I was so dizzy from the beer. I don't remember much."
Ye Mingxia, a spokeswoman for the Beijing Zoo, confirmed the incident happened but would not give any details. She said Gu Gu was "healthy."
"We're not considering punishing him now," Ye said in a telephone interview. "He's suffered quite a bit of shock."
If I ever get into a biting contest, the bear is on my team!! Ever notice no matter the country people always blame the alcohol for their stupid actions!!!
So it goes in the naked jungle. There are a million stories out there, this is just a few of them.
Tune in and turn on to tomorrow's blog where you get all the news you can use!
Great animal stories I didn't see anywhere else. Thanks. Gene
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