Anniversary and a Vacation
Fabulous Friday to you my friends.
News alert: Today's post will be the last one until October 10th.

A drive along the ocean with a specific destination of Cannon Beach. Oh baby, let the good times roll!!!
Wow, how anyone put up with me that long I'll never understand!!
Don't stray away to another blog because no site covers all the news you can use like this one.
In honor of anniversaries, I submit the following for your enjoyment:
Man's best friend
Never Forget an Anniversary Again
The Remember Ring Turns on the Heat to Remind Couples of Special Day

The Remember Ring is a wedding band with some high-tech innards that heats up to give the wearer a burning reminder about the special day about 24 hours before it arrives.
It may be the most surefire way to ensure the flowers and dinner reservations are made on time, but there's one small problem -- the ring doesn't exist.
The idea belongs to Cleve Oines, who runs the Web site for Goldsmith Gallery, a jewelry shop in the small town of Sitka, Alaska.
"Originally it was sort of a 'ha-ha,' but it's been getting so much traffic that we've begun to wonder," he said.
Oines says the store's Web site normally receives about 500 unique visitors a day, but since word got out about the Remember Ring, the site has been struggling to keep up with an increase in traffic. He said traffic on the site is about 60 times higher in volume since word got out.
From Gag to Glory
If the ring makes it out of Oines' mind and into reality, it likely wouldn't look exactly like the picture he posted but would incorporate the same concept.
"The question is space," he explained. "It can certainly be done. Whether it can be done in a thin band, or whether it would have to be a signet ring, we just don't know."
In an e-mail, Oines said the shop is in talks with an engineer to bring the ring to life sometime next year, and he guesses that it'll retail for around $700 to $800.
If the information that was posted on the Web site as part of the gag becomes reality, 24 hours before the big day the interior surface of the ring will heat up to 120 degrees for approximately 10 seconds. According to the site, it will continue to warm up "every hour, on the hour, all day long!"
"Using a micro thermopile, the Remember Ring converts the heat from your hand into electricity, keeping the battery charged and microchip clock running perpetually.
Just specify your anniversary date when you order, and we'll program your ring for you. Set it and forget it -- until your anniversary!"
Interestingly, the response has been mixed, and while you might think women, who are often portrayed in film and television as being let down by their mates on anniversaries, are not as amused by the idea as their counterparts.
"Most of the ladies have sort of expressed disdain," Oines said. "But a lot of men have gotten a laugh out of it."
This is not a laughing matter, we men need all the help we can get!!
The women don't like the idea because we will remember the date and then they won't be able to harp at us!!
This is a no brainer. Mine is on order!!!!!
Here is another anniversary recently celebrated.
Though you don't know them, I think you might enjoy their story.
I have put together this brief synopsis of Richard and Lisa's years together.
The beginning:
We have gathered together today to bond this couple together in Holy matrimony.
Do you Richard take Lisa to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Above is a wedding picture of Richard, his bride, Lisa, and the maid of honor.
The I do's are said and it's off to the car that had been decorated for the honeymoon.

During their marriage, Richard and Lisa together had two children, a boy and a girl.
The boy had no interest in playing sports, however Richard, a baseball fanatic, coached a Little League Baseball team.
People remarked how four of the boys on that team bore a striking resemblance to Richard.
Here is one of the many pictures Richard has of the boys wearing their baseball uniforms and representing the team that Richard named.

We are moving through the years of this marriage, and now the two children Richard and Lisa have together are grown up.
Richard and Lisa were very proud of their son attending and graduating from a prestigious university.
The picture below was taken at their son's graduation ceremony. He is the fourth person from the left in the second row.

Their daughter was very perky and got into politics early. She became a Democrat and started as a White House intern for Bill Clinton.
Bill told her parents that their daughter's service as a White House intern was a "rousing" success.
The picture below was taken as Hillary was escorting Richard and Lisa's daughter out of Bill's chambers.

Notice how "perky" the daughter is in her White House attire.
As with any marriage, theirs had it's "ups and downs" and "ins and outs," but through it all there was something special "between" Richard and Lisa.
After all their years together, Lisa wanted everyone to know just how special it was.
She placed the following ad on a billboard in their town for all to see that you are never too old.

And that, my friends, is the happy anniversary story.
Until October 10th when I return to the blog waves, let boredom set in, stop the paper, don't watch TV , don't open your mail, and don't talk to anyone until you can once again get all the news you can use right here!!
Oh, boy, that was a good one. I'm still chuckling. :o)
Have a safe trip and a very Happy Anniversary. Will miss you both and of course Zoe. Gene
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