Our Vacation - Part 1
Life in the fast lane!!!!!
Ok, approximately 2,650 miles and we are back from our trip to Oregon and slaving away at the blog.
What an idea - share the experience - so follow along.
The beginning:
It's Friday and we are going to start out on our vacation. It's 12:15 P.M. and the car is packed and stacked.
I slide the key in the ignition, crank the starter, and instantly the thunder erupts from under the hood.

I roll out of the garage and stop. Immediately the wife starts in with why are you stopping? Waiting for the garage door to close I say.
Well, she says "this is the start of the vacation and we have no time to waste as I want to be looking at the ocean in Oregon on Saturday and I expect us to make Sacramento by nightfall."
I explain Sacramento is at least a 9 hour drive, to which she responds "I'll give you 8 hours and that includes all those pit stops you make."
She looks me straight in the eye and says plug in the radar detector, tighten up your seatbelt, put the hammer down, and run code 3.
Well, what an order that was since I usually cruise the freeways at about 65 miles per hour, I only smoke outside the car, and I drink a lot of iced tea on trips so pit stops are frequent and important.
As we start off I am frantically trying to recall all I read at age 15 in the driver's hand book so I could accomplish her orders.
Now here we are blasting down the freeway and the first remembrance I have to use from that handbook is to flash my lights at the slow driver in the left lane to let him know I want to pass and slower traffic needs to keep right.
Everyone is very courteous as they move over and wave as we go by. The wife reciprocates by rolling down her window and hollering at them to lead, follow or get the hell outa our way because we are going to Oregon.
As I exit at the rest areas for relief and a smoke, the wife reminds me she watches NASCAR and when making a pit stop you have to get back on the track on the lead lap and she expects nothing less.
Let me tell you I can run, unzip, light a cigarette, zip up, suck down a whole cigarette and get back on the track as fast as a NASCAR pit stop.
Poor Zoe had to be fast as well because the wife was yelling at her to "Git Er Done."

So we are cruising now and the wife starts in "are we there yet," "are we there yet?" I say no we still have a long way to go. She once again looks me straight in the eye and says "well you better kick it up a notch."
I explain I am doing 95 and she says "well I know this baby has more under the hood, so open it up. I want Nevada in your rear view mirror!"
Well, my friends, we made Sacramento in 8 hours and you should have seen the motel staff looking at us as we were in a full 4 wheel power brake slide into their driveway.
At first class resorts like this one the drivers are usually a little more subdued.

Check in complete, car unloaded and time for food. Since we have been in the fast lane all day there is only one place to go:

And that concludes part 1 of our vacation!!!! I hate to keep you on the edge of your seats, but you will have to tune in again tomorrow for part 2.
I always suspected it was Vicki pushing you to speed and then kidding you about the tickets! You know the story, behind every good man there is ....
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!! Your nose is gonna grow very long.
Loved it!!
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