Tuesday 666
Oh my God, it's here! 666 or 6-6-06 or 6-6-2006! Can you read this or has Armageddon begun?
Here in Las Vegas we like 777.
Comics Artist Alex Toth Dies at 77

Alex Toth, a maverick comic artist who designed classic Hanna Barbera adventure cartoons such as "The Superfriends" and "Space Ghost" died while sitting at his drawing table at his home in Burbank.
At least he died doing what he loved!!
Rep. Kennedy ends drug rehab, heads to R.I.
Six-term congressman looks to get back to work after Mayo Clinic stay

Rep. Patrick Kennedy has ended nearly a month of treatment for addiction to prescription pain drugs.
Rep. Patrick Kennedy, the son of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, was involved in a middle-of-the-night car crash near the Capitol that he said he could not remember. The accident has raised questions about whether Kennedy, 38, was drinking and had received special treatment by police, who did not conduct field sobriety tests.
Capitol Police said he appeared to be intoxicated.
Wow, like father, like son - intoxicated, bad memory, however Patrick hasn't killed anyone that we know of yet.
Sure reminds me of Teddy and his special treatment. Teddy could not remember Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquiddick?
Pilot lands safely after heart attack, then dies
‘He basically saved these other three peoples' lives,’ Utah cop says
BRIGHAM CITY, Utah - A pilot suffering a heart attack made an emergency landing on a highway, saving his three passengers shortly before he died. Jack Francis, 61, president of Francis Trucking in Brigham City, had taken off from Jackpot, Nev., and was headed home with his wife and another couple when he suffered a heart attack Sunday morning, Utah Highway Patrol spokesman Derek Jensen said. He landed the single-engine Cessna 185 on Utah 30 near Park Valley and was taken to Bear River Hospital in Tremonton, where he died, Jensen said.
He put his heart into that landing!!! He obviously loved his wife and friends!!!
Scientology revs up to join NASCAR circuit

Don't be surprised if Tom Cruise becomes a NASCAR fan. “Dianetics,” the book written by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, is sponsoring a racing team — dubbed “Ignite Your Potential” — that will tour the NASCAR circuit.
Now I have to quit watching NASCAR. Someone always has to ruin a good thing!!!
Do I smell a sequel to "Days of Thunder"? Lets hope not!!!!!
Cosmic justice?
Driver angry at cutoff chases culprit into cemetery, dies in mausoleum crash
HAYWARD, Calif. - A motorist who sped through a cemetery in an apparent road-rage pursuit of a car that cut him off died Sunday after crashing into a mausoleum.
The man's classic Corvette skidded out of control on a turn in the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery and crashed in front of mourners watching a nearby burial. The Corvette was cut off by a Mercedes-Benz convertible on a street outside the cemetery. The Mercedes-Benz driver kept going.
How stupid was this guy. He got what he deserved. Everyone knows you don't treat a classic Corvette that way!!!!
The she-was-too-hot-to-see-her-ID defense
Store owner, clerk claim scanty attire got in way of stopping alcohol sale
HAUSER, Ore. - Well, she LOOKED 21 anyway, maybe older, and what's more the clerk at the small store in this Coos County town says he was much distracted by what he called the young lady's scanty attire. So distracted, he said, that he didn't see the "Minor until 2007" stamped on her driver's license. She got the six-pack, and store owner David Cardwell got a $1,320 fine. The clerk had to pay $750.
"This young woman was dressed in very provocative clothing more suited for the bedroom," Cardwell said in a letter to the OLCC. "I would not allow my daughter to leave the house dressed in such a way." He said the decoy was dressed in a tank top, attire many woman her age wear.
OK since the owner, Cardwell, (which his employee didn't do - cardwell) was not there, he must have reviewed the surveillance tapes a thousand times to see how she was dressed!!!!
New Contacts Designed to Give Athletes Edge
Lenses Look Spooky, But Help Sharpen Vision

A growing number of athletes are wearing the MaxSight lenses, which were developed jointly by Nike Inc. and contact lens maker Bausch & Lomb Inc. The lens - large enough to extend a ring around the iris - comes in two colors: amber and grey-green.
The amber lens is for fast-moving balls sports, such as tennis, baseball, football or soccer. Grey-green is better for blocking glare for runners or helping a golfer read the contour of the ground.
Nike knows how to market for sure. These are going out the door faster than the speed of the light they are supposed to harness!!! How do you say buy stock and quick?
Mayors Live It Up at Las Vegas Meeting
It's convention time, do you know where your mayor is? If you live in a major American City, the answer is probably Las Vegas, this year's host of the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting.
The City of Las Vegas, led by mob-lawyer-turned-mayor Oscar Goodman, is spending $1.8 million just entertaining the public officials, $1.3 million of that comes from corporate donations.

Las Vegas taxpayers will pay about $500,000 for entertaining, according to city officials. All of the events are in the county not the city of Las Vegas. Those of us that live in the city think it's so nice of Oscar to entertain on our dollar.
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