Saturday's This and That
Millions of AOL, Compuserve and Netscape customers around the world were experiencing delays in sending and receiving emails Thursday.
Unlike the post office, you know rain, sleet, hail, snow, or the dark of night the mail must go through!
Immigration Issue
How many of you knew this? I didn't! On June 2nd, 1924, Congress granted U.S. citizenship to all American Indians.
Can that be right? Shouldn't the Indians have been the ones granting citizenship?
The famous girl pictured below would have turned 80 Thursday.
Born June 1st, 1926, she would later change her name and become one of the most celebrated actresses in film history.

Her registered name was Norma Jeane Mortensen. Her grandmother, Della Monroe Grainger, later had her baptized Norma Jeane Baker.
Then Norma changed her name to Marilyn Monroe and the rest is history.

We all remember Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith show.

You may also remember Barney carried a Colt "Official Police" model .38 caliber gun. Andy restricted Barney to carry only a single bullet which was to be kept in his shirt pocket.
Well, Barney must have fathered a child who is a United States Air Marshal that I'm sure will have his bullets taken away as well!!
Air Marshal Leaves Plane After Dropping Bullets
A U.S. air marshal removed himself from a Southwest Airlines flight Thursday after dropping a clip of bullets on the floor just before the plane was to take off. When the clip fell to the floor it scattered bullets everywhere.
NEW YORK -- A Roman Catholic priest pleaded guilty to grand larceny for financing a lavish lifestyle of vacations, country clubs, and fancy clothes with more than $800,000 looted from his parish.
Monsignor John Woolsey, 68, told the court that although he believed he was entitled to spend some of the money at his discretion, he acknowledged spending a significant amount that was excessive.
Monsignor John Woolsey on the left, the one wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined Dior gold lame gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waist tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3-foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, and the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in the Wizard of Oz, acknowledged spending a significant amount that exceeded what was tasteful.

OK, now The government has gone way too far!!!!!!!!
Restaurants offer too much of a bad thing
Cut portion sizes, get rid of fat-laden side dishes, health officials say
WASHINGTON - Those heaping portions at restaurants — and doggie bags for the leftovers — may be a thing of the past, if health officials get their way. The government is trying to enlist the help of the nation’s eateries in fighting obesity. One of the first things on their list: cutting portion sizes.
Just what we need, the government telling us to tighten our belts again.
“We must take a serious look at the impact these foods are having on our waistlines,” said Penelope Slade Royall, director of the health promotion office at the Department of Health and Human Services.
Well, hell girl, that is what mirrors are for.
We do not need restaurants having an excuse to cut back on portions.
$18.95 for a 12 ounce steak, salad loaded with dressing, sourdough rolls, baked potato, butter, sour cream and chives will change to $19.95 for a 4 ounce steak with 2 asparagus spears garnished by delicious parsley.
So then I will have to spend $39.90 when I have to get two orders to eat and no potatoes.
Personally I do my part by making sure I have a vegetable (Catsup) with every meal.
Another thing, how many businesses will be put out of business because there will be no more demand for to-go boxes?
Oh yeah, you think government spying is bad now, wait until they are watching you at home in your kitchen.
Another star has graciously agreed to post her picture on the site. Her name is Annie.
Annie is an Australian Shepherd and she is a legal immigrant.

Saturday Oh Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be safe and be kinda sane!
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