All Over the Place
'Juan Valdez' Is Hanging Up His Poncho'

Carlos Sanchez has portrayed the fictional Colombian coffee grower Juan Valdez. Sanchez and his trusty mule Conchita have promoted Colombian coffee since 1969 with a leather bag, bushy mustache, and straw hat typical of rural Colombia.
I didn't know he was fictional. I thought he was Juan Valdez. My world is falling apart. What's next the tooth fairy?
US Airways to Stop Serving Peanuts
US Airways will stop serving peanuts on its flights because of concerns about passengers who are allergic to the snacks.
Why do I have to suffer because someone may be allergic to peanuts? Why don't the people with allergies just say no thank you? Do the stewards force people with allergies to eat the peanuts? I remember the last flight I was on there was a guy wearing cheap cologne that I'm sure I was allergic to, but the airline let him on the plane!
Bill Lets Dogs Eat Out at Restaurants
Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday signed the so-called "doggie dining" bill, which allows local governments to let restaurants permit dogs to eat with their owners outside. Florida health regulations previously prevented all dogs except service animals from joining patrons al fresco, although several restaurants ignored the rules until local regulators started cracking down last year. The "doggie dining" bill lets restaurants allow dogs to eat with their owners outside if they want.
They can't figure out voting machines in Florida, but they know how to take care of their dogs!
Horses Help Wounded Soldiers Walk Again
Spec. Maxwell Ramsey made small kissing sounds as he tried to coax Wylie, a muscular black Percheron horse, over to the platform where the soldier stood. He swung the metal and plastic limb that is his new left leg over Wylie's back and sat down in the saddle.
The black and white horses that usually pull caissons during military funerals at neighboring Arlington National Cemetery are helping soldiers such as Ramsey in their long struggle to learn to walk again, to regain strength and to believe in their new limbs.
Soldiers from the unit walked alongside Ramsey and Wylie throughout the session in the yard surrounded by the brick stables that house the horses. "It's all about soldiers helping soldiers," said Col. Bob Pricone, commander of the Old Guard
"It takes a lot of courage to get up there on a horse with one arm and one leg," Canice Kules said as she stood at the fence watching her son ride.
Sad story about the extent of injures; inspirational story about courage, horses, and soldiers helping soldiers.
‘Living fossil’ found in Coral Sea
Shrimplike creature was thought to have gone extinct 60 million years ago.
Keith Richards Recovered, Ready to Tour

Have a Sunny Sunday!!!!
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