Tuesday, August 15, 2006

YouTube and the British Widower

Today's post is going to be a little different from what you are used to!!!

Every once in a while you come across something special which I have today, and in case you are not aware of it, I want to share it with you!

Senior Citizen a Surprise YouTube Star

NEW YORK (Aug. 14) - YouTube, the popular online home video site, has an unexpected star -- a septuagenarian British widower -- whose soft-spoken, humble manner has won the hearts of users of the youth dominated Web site.

Peter posted his first video on YouTube about a week ago, under the user name geriatric1927 which refers to the year of his birth. He called it "first try."

In the clip, which starts with "geriatric gripes and grumbles" and some blues music, Peter tells how he became addicted to YouTube.

"It's a fascinating place to go to see all the wonderful videos that you young people have produced so I thought I would have a go at doing one myself," he says, sitting against a backdrop of floral wallpaper and family photographs.

"What I hope I will be able to do is to just to bitch and grumble about life in general from the perspective of an old person who has been there and done that and hopefully you will respond in some way by your comments."

YouTube is one of the fastest-growing sites on the World Wide Web and announced last month that 100 million clips are watched every day. The site has almost 20 million visitors a month, according to Nielsen/NetRatings.

In his profile, Peter says he is widower living alone in the country in the middle of England. His favorite music is blues and he has loved motorcycles all his life. He says has no piercings or tattoos. His profile says he is 78 but he says in a video clip he is 79.

He has since posted another five videos on his YouTube page -- www.youtube.com/profile?user-geriatric1927 -- and has had about 79,000 viewings and 6,500 subscribers, putting him at the top of the most-subscribed list on YouTube in the past week.

In his second video, Peter starts with a photograph of himself on a motorbike and says he has received over 4,700 e-mails. "I am absolutely overwhelmed and don't quite know what to say," says the white-haired pensioner who keeps his eyes closed for most of his videos.

"I just need to say thank you ... this YouTube experience has been one of the major changes and breakthroughs in my life and given me a whole new world to experience."

Peter, who talks about his life, the horrors of war and police harassment, has received wide praise for his videos and for proving technology is not just for the younger generation.

"It's great that someone from your generation has chosen to share their views on life, and a shame more elderly people don't too," wrote one commentator.

"I don't have a grandpa, but if I could choose, I'd want you to be mine!" says another.

A few who mocked him were quickly rebuked by the rest of the online community.

"IGNORE all the rude comments because obviously the people who leave nasty comments on your page are those who have the least number of comments on their videos!" said one.

YouTube is a blog that is video instead of typed words.

Being curious, I had to see for myself what his site was all about as I really don't understand what compels someone to do a blog.

What I found listening to him is what I think a lot of us older people wonder.

Does anyone care who I am and what I have done, or am I just some old person that no one cares a thing about that has outlived his usefulness?

One commentator wrote "It's great that someone from your generation has chosen to share their views on life, and a shame more elderly people don't too."

The fact of the matter is there are thousands of elderly people that would love to share their views on life with younger people if the demand were there and the opportunity presented itself.

After listening to him, which I recommend you all do, and reading some of the comments emailed to him, I see something interesting developing.

First, he is alone and this is a way to have contact and conversation with other people, especially younger people who may just really enjoy the stories he has to tell!

Second, as always, there are those who will always make stupid or snide remarks, but the majority are comments in support of his endeavors. Keep in mind the audience watching his videos is a youth-dominated audience.

It is interesting to see younger people reaching out and telling him they want more. It is also interesting the majority are telling the ones making the stupid or snide remarks that they are missing what is going on.

Being older, I for one can tell you it is nice and an honor when someone younger asks you for advice or asks you about anything, or for that matter, even speaks to you.

To me he seems to be filling a void of what a lot of people don't have and that is the grandfather telling stories.

Now this guy comes along and rekindles stories or just plain grabs your interest until you want more and fills that void.

Currently there are 9 entries on his site. Start at the beginning and listen to them all. Remember they will start slow as it is his first experience at this, but each one gets better, so watch them all.

I know everyone does not have enough time (I hate that term), so I am yielding to Peter and his videos with 79,000 viewings, over 4,700 e-mails, and 6,500 subscribers, putting him at the top of the most-subscribed list on YouTube in the past week.

He is way more interesting than anything I ever have on here, so if you do not have the 5 to 7 minutes it takes to watch his videos because you read this blog, then by all means skip this and click here to go to his site.

If you enjoy his video clips and know someone who might also enjoy it, forward the link.

Until tomorrow, Wag is out!!!!

All the news you can use @



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