Love is in the Air
Wow, yesterday's post sure grabbed some attention.
I can't believe how many hits I had from all over the world.
A lot of my readers must have spread the word about Thursday's post @
I wonder which story got everyone's attention?
Oh! Oh! Topless porn star parade gets OK
New Zealand’s largest city approves lunchtime event down its main street
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A lunchtime parade of topless porn stars down the main street of New Zealand's biggest city has been given official approval — as no laws will be broken.
The parade later this month will feature up to 30 porn stars riding on the back of motorcycles or in open cars through Auckland's CBD to promote an erotica exposition. The bare breast drive has been held since 2003, Organizer Steve Crow said it would promote an erotica expo that opens in the city.
Several city councilors opposed to the parade were surprised to find it had been given a green light without them being consulted. Councilor Noelene Raffills said the parade would be too distracting for a central shopping district during the busy noontime.
"It is not like a television set you can turn off or a book you can shut," Raffills was reported telling The New Zealand Herald newspaper Tuesday.
They also were told police had approved the parade and would be in attendance to ensure road safety.
Police in attendance to ensure road safety? And they think traffic won't be at a standstill until the very last "float" passes by? I bet the police will all stand at "attention."
Police arrest 4 alleged Craigslist prostitutes
Women post ads on Web site, book meetings, fly to jobs across U.S.

Anne Arundel County authorities began the investigation after reading ads posted on that offered sex services for $140 to $300. Classified ads in a variety of categories are free on Craigslist.
Police said Tuesday the women allegedly arranged several weeks’ worth of appointments in advance, then flew into a city to meet with clients. They then traveled to their next destination.
$140.00 to $300.00 I'm told is inexpensive especially since that included round trip air fare. What a deal!!!!!
Fly the friendly skies!!
My research staff has advised me, just in case gets shut down, there is a web site called that hooks people up. They claim to date they have only had one bad experience in which the couple got married!!!
10 love-sick manatees put on a show in Florida
‘They're all like fighting with each other,’ 11-year-old spectator says

"It's cool and funny at the same time," said Megan Blasberg, 11, who was among the crowd that gathered to watch the spectacle Thursday. "They're all like fighting with each other."
Julie Gundersen with the Manatee Research Project at Mote Marine Laboratory, said manatees usually mate out at sea. She said the female probably came to shallow waters to rest and her suitors followed.
Manatees don't have a specific mating season, but Mote has responded to five reports of manatees in shallow waters over the past month. That's more than usual.
Gundersen said female manatees travel long distances to collect as many male suitors as possible to give them a wide choice of mates.
I wonder if maybe the female manatee arranged several weeks’ worth of appointments in advance by posting on the mentioned in the previous post?
Sen. Clinton busts out at Museum of Sex
‘Presidential bust’ designed to spark discussion of sex, politics, celebrity
NEW YORK - A "presidential bust" of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was unveiled Wednesday at New York's Museum of Sex, where sculptor Daniel Edwards hopes it will spark discussion about sex, politics and celebrity.
Edwards, the artist who also created a life-size nude of Britney Spears giving birth on a bear-skin rug, said he wanted to capture Clinton's age and femininity in the sculpture.

Edwards said his work features a soft "presidential smile" and wrinkles framing her eyes. A floral pattern runs across her breasts, part of Edwards' effort to present Clinton "as a woman — not a covered-up person, but as a woman."
"I didn't want to give her a face lift or change her age," he said of his work.
"The key was to reveal her chest a little bit. She usually covers herself up, but I don't think that's necessary."
Perhaps getting ahead of himself, the artist has titled the sculpture "The Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: The First Woman President of the United States of America."
Oh it will spark discussion about sex: Bill's lack of it with Hillary, except the one time that produced Chelsea!!!!
Clinton "as a woman," now there's a novel twist.
Is it my eyes or did Edwards take a lot of liberty with implants? Busts out is right!!!!
Thursday's post caused such a stir I had to finish the week in somewhat the same frame!!!!
Until tomorrow when you get "All the news you can use" @
Good day!!!!
A little disappointed you would allow this title on your blog, "The Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: The First Woman President of the United States of America."
Let us pray that never comes true!!!
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