Starting with Michael and Ending in the Toilet
Wow, now here's a surprise. Are attorneys so stupid they really didn't know Michael Jackson is broke?
Well, duh attorneys are stupid!
Michael Jackson Lawyers Quit Case
NEW YORK - For the second time in a year, a law firm representing Michael Jackson has quit, saying it hasn't been paid and can't get the pop star on the phone.

A federal judge in Manhattan on Monday gave attorneys at Wachtel & Masyr permission to withdraw from a case in which a financial company claims the singer owes it $48 million.
In a letter to the judge, attorney William Wachtel described his trouble communicating with Jackson through a series of representatives. Over months, Wachtel said, he dealt with the singer through one intermediary after another, only to be informed repeatedly that they were quitting or had been fired.
The last straw came, he said, when Jackson dropped out of contact with the firm entirely after his only face-to-face meeting with his lawyers in June, at the luxurious Hotel de Crillon in Paris. At the session, Jackson apologetically promised to be in better touch, Wachtel said - and that was the last they heard of him.
A Los Angeles lawyer who represented Jackson for 26 years, John Branca, said he could not comment on the case because he resigned in April.
The legal team is the second to quit the case. Attorneys from the firm of Latham & Watkins quit in November after reporting that their bills weren't being paid and that it was impossible to communicate with Jackson.
I feel so sorry for all those attorneys that haven't been paid by Mike. Child molesters and attorneys are almost equal, so who are you really going to feel bad about in this story?
Most Women Prefer Plasma TVs to Diamonds
NEW YORK - Diamonds are no longer a girl's best friend, according to a new U.S. study that found three of four women would prefer a new plasma TV to a diamond necklace.
The survey, commissioned by U.S. cable television's Oxygen Network that is owned and operated by women, found the technology gender gap has virtually closed with the majority of women snapping up new technology and using it easily.
Women were found on average to own 6.6 technology devices while men own 6.9, and four out of every five women felt comfortable using technology with 46 percent doing their own computer trouble-shooting.
The Girls Gone Wired survey of 1,400 women and 700 men aged 15 to 49, which was conducted by market researcher TRU, found that given the choice, women would opt for tech items rather than luxury items like jewelry or vacations.
The study found 77 percent of women surveyed would prefer a new plasma television to a diamond solitaire necklace and 56 percent would opt for a new plasma TV over a weekend vacation in Florida.
Even shoes lost out. The study found 86 percent would prefer a new digital video camera to a pair of designer shoes.
They didn't call my house.
I wish my wife wanted a new plasma television. Anyone who could see my wife's shoe closet would agree she would prefer a new digital video camera to a pair of designer shoes. Yeah right!!!!
Oh and diamonds, hah, they run neck and neck with shoes. Vacation didn't even get a vote!!
What about purses? How many votes did they get?
Woman Booted From Plane Over Gucci Bag
HONG KONG- Armed police removed a woman from a Cathay Pacific flight after she refused to stow her Gucci handbag under the seat in front of her or in the cabin overhead.
The flight this month from Hong Kong to Tokyo was delayed for about an hour as the woman contested the cabin crew's instructions to put her luxury handbag on the floor or in the compartment above her seat.
Scientists Get Closer Toward Obesity Vaccine
NEW YORK - In what could become a new weapon in the battle of the bulge, scientists on Monday reported initial success with an experimental vaccine for obesity.
The researchers found that when they gave rats a vaccine against a "hunger hormone" called ghrelin, the animals were able to live the dream of eating what they wanted without packing on body fat.
I like the way these scientists think. The only exception being that vaccine to me means a shot. They need to make it in pill form and then where do I sign up?
I need those pills fast!!!
Ford to put 600,000 toy cars in cereal boxes
Auto maker seeks to promote Fusion sedan, offers chance to win a real one
DEARBORN, Michigan - Ford Motor Co., in an effort to keep promoting its Fusion mid-sized car, plans to put 600,000 toy cars into Kellogg Co. cereal boxes starting Sunday.
The boxes, each containing a Fusion Hot Wheels car, will be distributed out of discount retailer Target Corp.'s stores nationwide. Fusion photos will appear on each box, the nation's second-largest automaker said.
The Fusion toys will be inserted in boxes of Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Krispies. Ford said one red model with the Target logo will be among them, and whoever gets that box will win a real Fusion.
Somebody pass the milk. I have cases of Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Krispies to eat so I can win me a new car!!!!
You know with all that cereal:
Red Sox auctioning off dugout toilet
Porcelain perch used from '86-'04, used by Buckner, Clemens, Ramirez, etc.
You don't have to be a Red Sox fan to get a load of this one. Lelands is auctioning off the throne that the Sox used to sit on before they captured baseball's throne, the world championship in 2004.
It's the toilet that was installed near the team dugout starting with the 1986 season and removed just before the Sox won the World Series in 2004. That means stars like Roger Clemens, Bill Buckner and Wade Boggs spent some quality time on the porcelain perch.
Quality people spent quality time there - what a deal !!!!!!!!
Yeah, I know, they aren't all gems.

Catch you tomorrow @
Auctioning the toilet?? Truly disgusting. Give me Mickey Mouse any day. :o)
Hey, I would trade a few pairs of shoes for a plasma tv. I'm with the majority regarding the diamond necklace, too. :o)
well dave, what more do you need to hear? sounds to me like she wants a new tv!
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