Our World
Why does she get news coverage?
Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan Hospitalized
'Peace Mom' on a Liquid Diet as Part of 'Troops Home Fast' Hunger Strike

Sheehan was listed in stable condition at Providence Health Center in Waco, about 20 miles east of Crawford.
She said she could be released later in the day but probably would miss an afternoon barbecue at Camp Casey, the protesters' campsite named for her soldier son who was killed in Iraq in 2004.
"Everything will still go on," Sheehan, 49, told The Associated Press. "I hope I can get there soon."
The anti-war demonstration is to continue through Sept. 3, although Bush's 10-day ranch vacation is to end Sunday.
Sheehan returned to Texas on Friday after a few days in Seattle at the Veterans for Peace convention. She planned to resume the war protest she started Aug. 6, the first anniversary of the beginning of her 26-day peace vigil that drew thousands of anti-war demonstrators and spurred counter demonstrations by Bush supporters.
Instead, friends took her from the airport to the hospital. After being on a liquid diet as part of the nationwide "Troops Home Fast" hunger strike, Sheehan had been treated at a Seattle emergency room Thursday, and ate for the first time in about 37 days, said her spokeswoman Tiffany Burns.
Doctors in Waco stopped uterine bleeding, gave her a blood transfusion and planned a biopsy, she said. Sheehan was dehydrated again Friday, but said it was probably from the bleeding.
Sheehan paid for a 5-acre lot about 7 miles from Bush's ranch last month so protesters would have a place to gather while the president is at his ranch.

Her 15 minutes of fame should have ended at five minutes. For those of you that missed it, go back to my July 28th post about Sheehan. What a slug and user!!!

Hey, here's an idea. If you read my post yesterday, 8-13-06, it appears the Dixie Chicks have a lot of time on their hands so they should join Sheehan and the thousands of demonstrators at Sheehan's Crawford 5-acre lot.
Martha Stewart Finally Leaving Westport

Stewart has been trying for more than two months to sell her early 19th century federal-style farmhouse for $9 million. Real estate experts say it's not unusual for luxury homes to take at least a few months to sell - even those with Martha's famous touch.
"It's the most beautiful property I've ever seen," said Eileen Hill, president of the Mid Fairfield County Association of Realtors. "Every blade of grass stands at attention."
The town, which is also home to actor Paul Newman and singer Michael Bolton, is taking Stewart's departure with a stiff upper lip.
"There was certainly no real sense of loss," said Cristin Marandino, editor of Westport Magazine. "I think 70 percent of the people who live in Westport have a Martha story. She just wasn't very easy to live with."
Oh, this is so sad. Maybe she should have a blue light special to help sell it!!!
Coming Soon: First Pics of Tom Cruise's Baby?

Don't you love the headline - Tom Cruise's baby. Like, who is Katie Holmes? Plus there is some question as to who the real (donor)father is. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been waiting patiently to see these pictures. I'm sure you have lost sleep over this as well!!
Leno Grills Landis on 'Tonight Show'
Landis Offers Another Theory on Drug Test

Questioned by the "Tonight Show" host on Tuesday, Landis said he may have unknowingly ingested something that made him test positive for a high testosterone ratio.
"I see you on these shows and I do want to believe you and evidence seems - I don't know if it's overwhelming - but it seems pretty conclusive, right?" Leno said.
Landis said yes, if one goes by the tests, and Leno shot back, "Why should we not go by the tests? Tell me why."
Landis responded that there were several possibilities, saying, "The tests and the people doing the tests would like you to believe that the only possibility is that I essentially took some drugs and that's why the test is that way."
He offered still another new theory: "Now there's also the possibility, and it's an argument that has been used by other people. At this point, I don't know if it's somehow or some way I ingested something that caused the tests to be that way."
Amazing, somehow someone rubbed cream on me, somehow I ingested something. Well yeah, he ingested synthetic testosterone.
The Chinese have opened a similar investigation into the use of steroids and synthetic testosterone
Little Strong Man

Lu Di said that after 3 hours he was concerned he had only done 100 push-ups, but he came back with a vengeance the last 20 minutes and was able to do 9,900 push-ups to win!
He does not know what all the fuss is about, but that he may have unknowingly ingested something that made him test positive for a high testosterone ratio.
And that, my friends, is it for Monday. Y'all come back, ya hear, for all the news you can use @
you're right. cindy sheehan - yawn.
I don't care--I'm still a loyal Tom Cruise fan. I like Katie, too.
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