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My dog Zoe' emailed me this first story to post on my blog. She and her friends at the park had been talking about it and thought it was worth sharing!
Love Motel for Dogs

A love motel in Sao Paulo has opened for amorous dogs. The love motel offers decorated rooms for dogs of pet owners who are concerned for their animal's needs.
Robson Marinho,owner of a pet shop, built the air-conditioned room on the second floor and hung a sign that reeds "Pet Love Motel". The rooms in the motel, at Barra Funda, are decorated in the same way as love motels for humans, with satin sheets, ceiling heart-shaped mirrors, special control panel to dim the lights, romantic music and lots of cushions. Even the windows have thick curtains for timid dogs that want discretion.
Marinho said, "I am absolutely certain this is the first love motel for dogs in the world." The owner has to know what kind of DVD will excite his or her dog. We also have a wedding agency that matches up dogs and if the female dog doesn’t get pregnant, we offer artificial insemination services." Marinho has already received some reservations for the room. A love room for your dogs costs $41 for two hours.
$41.00 for 2 hours. Geez, what people will do for their animals!! And the perfume and nighty from Pet Smart - wow $150.00 bucks easy.
'Pants-Off Dance-Off' Is TV's New Craze
NEW YORK - Not every idea has to be smart to make it on TV. Sometimes stupid works, too.
So You Think You Can Dance Without Pants?

From that offhand remark came "Pants-Off Dance-Off," which has quickly become the Fuse network's most popular series ever. No more complicated than its title, the competition features people dancing in front of a screen playing their favorite music video, while slowly shedding clothes.

Don't expect models or strip club refugees. Low purposely sought ordinary folks, men and women, as a way of striking out against airbrushed culture. The models have included a 58-year-old retired male teacher and a woman dressed in a clown suit.
It's his belief with "Pants-Off Dance-Off" that ordinary people can be more interesting to watch than the Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans of the world.
I have been complaining that with 180 channels there is nothing good to watch, that is until now!!!
For the next story,
I feel obligated to tell you this next bit of news is different, so I would recommend that you

I must also advise you that this is rated

This news is definitely

If you want all the news you can use, then by all means continue.
Why, it would be my pleasure!
Those wacky Brits! Charity invites people to come to ‘masturbate-a-thon’
LONDON - Hundreds of Britons are being urged to attend what is being branded as Europe's first "masturbate-a-thon," a leading British reproductive health care charity said Friday.
Marie Stopes International, which is hosting the event with HIV/AIDS charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, said it expected up to 200 people to attend the sponsored masturbation session in Clerkenwell, central London, on Saturday.
"It is a bit of a publicity stunt, but we hope it will raise awareness. We want to get people talking about safer sex, masturbation and to lift taboos."
Participants, who have to be over 18, can bring any aids they need and can take part in four different rooms — a comfort area, a mixed area, along with men and women only areas.
However, the rules on the event's Web site states there can be no touching of other participants, nor are people allowed to fake orgasms.
"The amount you raise will be determined by how many minutes you masturbate and/or how many orgasms you achieve," the Web site said.
The Marie Stopes spokeswoman said local religious groups had been initially outraged, but after people had heard what the event was about, most had approved it.
Police had also given it their approval.
How many remember the scene in the movie when Harry met Sally? Meg Ryan could win this contest "hands down," pardon the pun!!!!!!

Off to a cold shower......
Tune in tomorrow for all the news you can use @
Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. Blush blush.
again, where do you get this stuff?
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