Just Plain Bad Stuff
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"It has all the news you can use."
Speaking of news:
He cheated!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second Landis Doping Sample Tests Positive
Tour de France Champion May Lose Title

"I have received a text message from Chatenay-Malabry lab that indicates the 'B' sample of Floyd Landis' urine confirms testosterone was taken in an exogenous way," Pierre Bordry, who heads the French anti-doping council said.
The samples contained synthetic testosterone, indicating that it came from an outside source.
Lab head Jacques De Ceaurriz said the isotope testing procedure was "foolproof." "No error is possible in isotopic readings."
Despite the second positive test, Landis maintained his innocence. "I have never taken any banned substance, including testosterone," he said in a statement. "I was the strongest man at the Tour de France, and that is why I am the champion.
He lied to everyone, but what is especially bad is that he lied to his parents.
EPHRATA, Pa. (AP) - Floyd Landis' parents planted a "God Bless, Went Camping" sign in their front yard Saturday, leaving it to friends and neighbors to defend their son against the doping scandal that threatens his Tour de France title.
Paul and Arlene Landis, devout Mennonites, always have defended their son - insisting he's clean - against the doping accusations.
His parents are devout Mennonites and will suffer this cheating and lying more than their son Floyd will.
I may be thinking of another religion, but if the Mennonites believe in it, then they should shun Floyd!!!
Separation from and shunning of the abomination. Abomination is an English term used to translate the Biblical term. The term in English signifies that which is exceptionally loathsome, hateful, wicked, or vile.
My exercise bike is for sale as I am so disgusted I will never get on another bike!!!!
Oregon masseur denies doping Gatlin
Massage therapist accused of putting testosterone on world record-holder
Justin Gatlin, co-holder of the 100-meter world record, tested positive for testosterone and could be banned for life from track and field competition.

Gatlin’s coach, Trevor Graham, said the world-record holder tested positive after a vengeful massage therapist used testosterone cream on him without his knowledge. In an Italian newspaper, Graham identified the massage therapist as Christopher Whetstine, who worked with Olympian Marion Jones and other elite athletes.
Gatlin, the co-world-record holder in the 100 meters, faces a lifetime ban after failing a drug test in April following a track meet in Lawrence, Kan.
Gatlin has said he didn’t know how steroids got into his system, and his attorney has distanced the runner from the comment by Graham, who has been involved with at least a half-dozen athletes who have received drug suspensions.
It never ceases to amaze me how no one knows how steroids get into their system.
I am so disgusted, I am not going to run anymore either!!!!!!!!
Thin Mints thief? Girl Scout leader charged
Woman accused of stealing $5,000 raised through cookie sales, fundraisers

DELAWARE, Ohio - A Girl Scout leader has been charged with stealing $5,000 raised by a central Ohio troop through cookie sales and other fundraisers.
Teresa Wickline, 42, of Lewis Center, was scheduled to be arraigned on a felony theft charge. Prosecutors accuse her of raiding the checking account of Troop 225 to pay for cell phone bills and other personal expenses.
I am so disgusted, but I'm not giving up on cookies. No sir!!!!
Priest may have misspent $1.4 million
Church-ordered investigation: Cleric funded life of luxury with another man

The Rev. Michael Jude Fay spent church money on limousines, stays at top hotels, jewelry, Italian clothing and a Florida condominium shared with the other man, auditors hired by the diocese found. About half the money he spent was kept in a secret bank account, according to their report, which was mailed Friday to 1,700 parishioners of the Darien church
"Father Fay stated that he believed he was entitled to dine at any restaurant of his choosing and as frequently as he desired, regardless of cost." Fay shopped at Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom, drove a Jaguar, attended a sports club, bought jewelry from Cartier, spent $130,000 for limo rides for himself and his mother and stayed at hotels such as the Ritz Carlton, Hotel De Paris and the Four Seasons Hotel, the auditors found. He spent tens of thousands of dollars on home furnishings and meals and more than $20,000 to mark the 25th anniversary of his ordination, according to the report.
Is it just me or is this another indication of the Catholic Church being out or control?
There are court cases and million dollar judgments against the church and this story is probably just one of many of these types of abuse.
There are millions of Catholics donating their hard earned money for the church to do good things with, only to watch the Pope and other Catholic Church officials cover these things up.
I am so disgusted, I am not going to enter a Catholic Church again!!!!

Is this the message that we are sending to our youth? I was taught that when the day was done and you washed your hands and face, you would look at yourself in the mirror. If you had been honest and done the best you could, then when you saw yourself in that mirror, you could be proud and feel good about yourself!!!!
It's time for everyone to pay attention to this type of activity!!

It's time to take a good look into the mirror!!
And that's my time for today. Come back tomorrow @ http://wags-blog.blogspot.com/ for all the news you can use.
Whew!! Glad to know you're not giving up on the really important things--like cookies. You so fun-n-n-n-n-y-y-y-y-y-y!!
I fully agree that cheating of any type, especially in sports, is unacceptable. As for the results of the tests against Landis, I am still doubtful. The hair on the back of my neck stands up when anyone says there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of a mistake. Remember the old joke of putting the computer in charge and having it tell you "nothing can go wrong" just before it locks up and everything goes wrong. I sincerely hope Landis is innocent and the rush to judgment is premature. Of course if he really is guilty of using drugs to enhance his performance, I am sorry that another American has disgraced us all.
you have got a problem "never get on" "not going to run" "not going to enter" I guess you will just sit in a corner
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