A Little Bit of a Lot
Do you want to feel old? How many remember this as if it were a few years ago?

Forty years ago, on Aug. 1, 1966, 25-year-old Charles Joseph Whitman went on a shooting rampage at the University of Texas clock tower in Austin, killing 14 people with a high-powered rifle. Whitman, who had also murdered his wife and mother hours earlier, was gunned down by police.
I saw this next story and thought that with 1200 to 1305 or so readers, I should pass along this public service announcement in case you missed it:
FDA Warns Against Eating Wash. Raw Oysters

Church said the agency has received reports of people from Oregon, British Columbia and as far away as New York being sickened after eating raw oysters from Washington, though it's unclear if those cases were people who were shipped oysters or if they ate them in the state and later became ill. The FDA said there were also cases in California.
In healthy adults, the bacteria can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever and chills. The illness can be fatal to those with chronic liver disease or compromised immune systems, but deaths are rare.
With the side effects from the bad oysters, the "side effect" you were trying to obtain won't be anything you can accomplish, so why chance it? Try another safer aphrodisiac instead!!!
Jockey apologizes for head-butting horse
O'Neill did a 'Zidane' on City Affair after horse became unruly

City Affair was being unruly in the parade ring, ultimately throwing O’Neill. The jockey got to his feet and grabbed the reins, pulling the horse to him, before lowering the butt of his helmet into it.
“Angry jockey does a ’Zidane’ to his horse,” read the headline of London’s Evening Standard, referring to French soccer star Zinedine Zidane’s infamous head-butt in the World Cup final.
City Affair went on to finish fourth in the two-mile event. O’Neill was given a caution by stewards for his use of the whip in the race.
Three things that stand out in this story:
1st, he tells the public he is sorry they saw such a thing. That is different from being sorry for doing such a thing.
2nd, he didn't tell the horse he was sorry.
3rd, not only did he head butt the horse, but he whipped the horse for which he received a caution from the stewards.
The horse is a good judge of character - that's why it threw him in the first place!!!!
Good Samaritan retakes vanful of hijacked dogs
Citizen seizes stolen Humane Society vehicle after suspect takes bar break
PHOENIX - A man who stole a Humane Society van full of dogs was foiled after a good Samaritan spotted the vehicle outside a north Phoenix bar and stole it back.
The van was taken around 9 p.m. Sunday outside the Humane Society's Sunnyslope office. In the van were seven dogs ages 2 months to 9 years. Phoenix police then put out a bulletin that ran on local television stations, and three hours later, the good Samaritan saw the van.
The man, whom police did not identify, confiscated the car keys from the theft suspect and returned the van to the Humane Society. Once he got there, he called police, who then arrested 47-year-old Phoenix resident Donny Burgess, who was still at the bar. They charged him with two counts of theft — one for the stolen vehicle and the other for one of the dogs, which was missing.
The six dogs that were recovered were all in stable condition, said Humane Society spokeswoman Angela Stringfellow. The Humane Society is offering a $1,000 reward for the safe return of the missing dog, a 2-year-old neutered male cocker spaniel mix named Sweet-ums.
Notice the good guy in this story confiscated the car keys from the theft suspect which means the dogs were in the van with no air conditioning in Phoenix. Kidnapping, cruelty to animals, leaving an animal in a hot car, dog abuse and being an AH should be added to the charges as well!!!
Brazil air force to airlift stranded penguins
Flightless birds to get a free lift home after washing up on beaches in Rio
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Brazil’s air force and navy will transport more than 100 penguins to Antarctica next month after the flightless birds were stranded on Rio De Janeiro beaches.
Penguins arrive from the Antarctic Circle on ice floes that melt in the vicinity of Brazil’s shore and the birds wash up on Rio beaches every winter.
Typically, many of the birds are sent to local zoos.
A plane carrying equipment for an Antarctic naval base will take the penguins to Brazil’s southernmost region next month, an air force spokesman said Monday. They will continue their journey on a naval ship, which will release them into the ocean in their Antarctic habitat.
I think this is a great story but one has to wonder if the penguins want to go back to Antarctica.

Let's see, the cold and ice in Antarctica or the warm sandy beaches in RIO DE JANEIRO.

You know those Penguins might have had a plan!!!!
Man Lifts Car Off Trapped Cyclist
PHOENIX, Arizona - A hefty bystander at a road accident in southern Arizona heaved a car clean off a trapped teenage cyclist, possibly saving his life, police said on Friday.
Eighteen-year-old Kyle Holtrust was struck by a car as he pedaled along a Tucson highway late on Wednesday and pinned beneath it, city police said.
Tucson paintshop worker Tom Boyle grabbed the Chevrolet Camaro car and lifted it, allowing the driver to haul the injured cyclist clear.

Local media said Boyle is 6 feet four inches tall and weighs 300 pounds (136 kg)."It was outstanding," Amado said. "It is quite unusual to have that strength."
Prior to the police arriving, witnesses at the scene described Boyle as having bad hair, green skin, no shirt and small torn pants and incredible strength.

The bicycle rider is expected to make a full recovery. He will however, be tested for elevated ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone while at the hospitial. The carbon isotope test examines the testosterone and determines if it is natural or synthetic. Should the test be positve, the rider will be banned from riding a bike in parking lots for two years.
My understanding is he has contacted American Tour de France winner, Floyd Landis, for advice!!!
Well, we are cruising through Thursday and headed towards that happy Friday.
The hits keep coming so keep spreading the word!!!
Enjoyed your blog today. Lots of interesting and funny stuff. Gene
I think the jockey should get another job. He's obviously not suited to be around animals.
Good blog today, lots of interesting stuff. :o)
my folks go to church with the sniper that shot that guy in austin. kinda cool, no?
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