Hot Hot Hot
Today I'm starting off with an opportunity for one of my 1200 readers out there.
Check out this personal ad:
"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!"
Hot, young, smart, blonde female looking for love.
I can give you more happiness and pleasure than you can ever imagine.
Do you have what it takes?
If you or one of your friends do, I'm a 9-month-old Golden Retriever and available to make you happy.
That's right, an opportunity to have a great dog. What is the price you may ask? Well, get this readers, if you have a good home and lots of love, there is no cost to you!
Yes, you read that correctly - no cost.
This is not a problem dog. It is being given free to a good home because the girl that owns it is leaving for college and going to live in a dorm which for some reason does not allow dogs.
As an added bonus, if one of my readers adopts this dog, I will also provide a 20 lb. bag of dog food to start you off right.
This offer will go fast so rush to your phone and call now because when this one is gone, it is gone!!!!!!!!!! Don’t wait on this - call now!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are interested and if you can provide love and a good home, contact Suzanne on her cell @ 271-7823.
In case you are not sure what a Golden looks like, I have added a picture of my friend Sara’s Golden Retriever named Shelby!

Now who can resist a Blonde like this? Call now!!!!!!!
Now to more business.
No matter what I read or see on TV, no matter where I go, everyone is talking about the fact that it is hot.
Temps soar again despite some heat relief
Northeast, Great Lakes get a break, but mercury climbs in other states
“It is so terribly hot. It’s just like an oven,”
“I was out shopping, but I couldn’t take it any more,”
You know it's hot when a woman can't take shopping anymore!!! Well, hello, this is July and I always thought July was in the summer, and in the summer it gets hot.
Here in Las Vegas we are having a rather normal summer although depending on whom you talk to, they seem to think this is a hotter summer. I guess we all remember a little differently, but personally I think the 118 to 125 degrees in the shade is just a regular summer here.
I hear the hole in the Ozone is making it hotter. I could not see the hole in the Ozone with my naked eye so I got out my trusty camera with a 3x zoom and got this shot of the hole in the Ozone to share with all of you.

One thing I have noticed that is great about the summer is how much nicer people behave, especially while driving. As I drive around I notice people speaking to other people in the cars next to, in front of, behind and along side of them. I notice with all the noise from the cars as they are moving while the people talk to each other, they are kind enough for those of us that do not hear as well to shout so we can hear them. At least they appear to be shouting because the veins on their necks bulge.
People are using turn signals a lot more during the summer. They turn them on and move into your lane at about the front of your door. This is different because in the winter they forget to use their signals even though they are 5 to 6 car lengths ahead of you.
People wave more to people during the summer, however, I have noticed more people than I realized must have only one finger on their hand. The others must have a fear of losing their fingers because I notice they give a friendly wave with a clenched fist.
As we all know red is a universal sign for hot, and when drivers here in Vegas see red at an intersection, they speed up to get home or to their office to be in air- conditioned space.
Now, green on the other hand is a universal sign for cool, so when at an intersection in Vegas one must think of cool and wait until the 8 to 10 cars that see red and are thinking hot rush through the intersection.

I love the heat in Vegas because everyone is more friendly and thoughtful.
Now speaking of heat and speaking of dogs:
Winter, spring and fall are one thing, but summer is another.
When it's hot enough that people complain, why do they do stupid things to their dogs in the summer? Yes, dogs enjoy going to Petsmart and shopping, but what some people seem to forget is the pavement in a parking lot can be 100 to 150 degrees, and the dogs are barefoot. Yes, dogs' feet can stand a little more heat than ours, so if you can walk across that parking lot just wearing thin socks, then your dog probably is OK. I see people walking their dogs on hot pavement all the time. Hello!!!!!!!!
I was chatting with my dog Zoe' the other day, and I asked her if dogs enjoy jogging in the summer. She told me that she and her friends do not enjoying jogging during the summer. She told me the sidewalks are too hot as is the pavement. Dogs can become dehydrated with short-term exposure.
I see people jogging with their dogs, and when the jogger is thirsty, they suck down fluids. Some give their dogs water, some don’t, but why do these same people think their dog only needs water when that person does? Hello!!!!!!
Want to beat the heat and want your pets to beat the heat? Do as my friends below do:

Be cool!!!!
Great day's blog--best one you've done yet. I hope the golden finds a good home.
Nice dog pics.
Yes, it is getting hotter. Everyone should go see the movie AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH - no matter what you think of Al Gore, the dems or global warming. Doesn't matter - the issue transcends politics. The truth of the matter (and I'm in the scientific literature everday) is that the whole place (earth) is warming and everyone needs to take note. There is no doubt. Period. Those that want to create doubt are either those who don't want to change their ways or can't see a profit in doing things differently.
Anyway, let's say the best-of-the-best scientists in the whole world projectionss are only half right - it's still absolutely amazing and can't be ignored.
LOL, Nice pic of Sara's pup... She took a page out of our book after seeing Zoe' loungin in the pool. Where is the owner headed to school?
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