Badge 714 Dragnet

Dog Blamed for Hitting Woman With Truck

Mary F. Stone, 41, was expected to remain hospitalized with a fractured pelvis and tailbone. The dog, a German shepherd named Ranger, had been left in the truck while its handler responded to a domestic disturbance call police Lt. Loring Draper said. The truck's engine was on so Ranger would have air conditioning. Ranger must have hit the shift on the steering column, putting the automatic transmission into gear. As the truck slowly rolled forward, police officers yelled to Stone, but she couldn't get out of the way in time.
This is too good. I would have yelled to Ranger to hit the brakes rather than yell at the lady to move. I wonder if the dog will get a ticket for that.
Bank robbery advice: Leave address off note
New York cops have easy time finding suspect after $22,000 heist
RIVERHEAD, N.Y. - Police investigating a bank robbery didn’t have to work hard to find their suspect: She lived at the address that was on the back of the note announcing the holdup.
And would the next story be about her twin sister?
Woman Calls 911 Seeking 'Cutie Pie' Deputy
ALOHA, Ore. - A woman who called 911 to get "the cutest cop I've seen" sent back to her home got a date all right - a court date.
OK OK, from New York to Oregon there are stupid people everywhere!! Wait, were these two originally Blondes???
Co-Pilot Suspected of Intoxication
SALT LAKE CITY - A Southwest Airlines co-pilot was arrested minutes before takeoff Sunday, after a security screener reported that his breath smelled of alcohol, authorities said.

The co-pilot aroused suspicion when he asked if anyone knew where the ignition key was!! Brings new meaning to fly the friendly skies for sure!!!!

Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Daytona Beach Police Department is to achieve a safe, crime free community. As members of the Daytona Beach Police Department, we commit ourselves to protecting, defending and serving the residents of and visitors to, the Daytona Beach Community.
Beach Officer Drives Over Sunbather
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - A beach patrol officer who drove over a sunbather as she lay in sand will be ticketed for careless driving and fined $115, officials said. Officer Robert Augustynowski, 43, drove his pickup truck diagonally across Danielle Taylor as she sunbathed Monday.
Last August, a beach patrol officer drove over a 25-year-old woman who was sunbathing on a lounge chair, causing cuts and bruises. In February 2003, a Miami Beach police officer searching for two robbery suspects drove over two sunbathing sisters in his marked police vehicle, killing one and critically injuring the other.
Is this a nude beach? What are these cops looking at that they run over so many people? Serving the residents of and visitors to, the Daytona Beach Community. ~~~~Some service~~~~
Arkansas Doctor Disciplined After 10 Deaths
A state board on Friday barred a doctor from prescribing narcotics after officials said 10 of his patients died from a lethal mix of drugs or an overdose of prescription medicines. Dr. Randeep Mann was allowed to keep his medical license under an agreement with the Arkansas Medical Board. Mann was eager to reopen his clinic even though he will lose some of his patients.
OK, let's look at this: 10 people died because of him, but he was allowed to keep his medical license under an agreement with the Arkansas Medical Board and he may lose some of his patients. OK, that sounds about right - welcome to the good ole USA. Come to think of it, isn't Arkansas where the Clintons are from?
Is it Alaska where it is dark 6 months of the year and light 6 months? That might help explain this.
Shots Fired at Alaska Flag Football Game

They take flag football seriously there! Being Alaska, one would suspect almost everyone there has a gun of some sort!!!!
Speaking of crime let us not forget
on July 18th 1969, a car driven by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island near Martha's Vineyard; passenger Mary Jo Kopechne died.
And that's it from the Crime Department for this Wednesday, July 19, 2006!!!
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