Wag is Back!
Hello friends - Wag is back!!!
Let me take a moment to share with you what I learned when I stopped writing the blog.
As I stated in my final post, I didn't think I had enough readers to continue. However, once I stopped, I heard from several loyal readers, and this is what I have learned from them: The quantity of readers is not important. The quality of readers is. Based on the response I received, I now realize my loyal readers are a quality group.
My thanks to all of you for your support, and I hope my blog will somewhat entertain you.
Now down to business, you know I like to give quizzes!
What do these three well-known men have in common?

They all murdered someone and got away with it!!!
What do these two men have in common?

One went to prison for tax evasion, and the other is about to be indicted for tax evasion.
Just think Barry, you may go to prison and then you will get to hear those words you heard when you went to the majors.
You know, "Welcome to the bigs," or in this case, bighouse. My only regret is that Alcatraz is closed so you won't be in San Francisco!!!!! They're coming to take you away ha ha.
Speaking of baseball, here's one for you.

is trying to stop an online company that uses players stats for fantasy leagues. Yes, fantasy baseball, where you make up your own team. Major League Baseball claims they own the stats.
Once again Major League Baseball is in a fantasy world and needs a reality check. Let's see, stop someone from using stats or stop players from using steroids. I wonder which would be best for Baseball?

And that, my friends, is the start of my return.
From Wag, thanx to all of you !!!!!!
Good job! Welcome back.
How's this for another quiz?
Put the pictures of the city and county politicians then try to pick out that is not crooked
he's baaaaaaaack!!
HA... Are you seriously trying to put Barry Bonds anywhere near the same category as Al Capone! Are you nuts? Aside from taxes and steroids Bonds is the GREATEST hitter ever in terms of hand eye coordination. Sure he's arrogant, cheats on his taxes and sticks needles in his ass... but come on, there are FAR worse people doing far worse things in this world than taking steroids and cheating the man out of some money he is only going to spend towards stealing oil anyway.
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