The Day The Circus Came To Town
OK already, Michael Jackson is dead.
For two weeks now all we hear is the sadness of Michael Jackson's passing and millions of people gathering to grieve.
Our country is in a mess and the most important thing seems to be the death of a many-times-alleged pedophile.
The King of Freak is dead which means allegedly there are some kids that can sleep more comfortably now.
I think I am the only one that has ever asked who those three kids that lived with him belong to.
No one has ever answered as to how they just somehow became his. I realize he used a lot of skin bleaching but not enough to produce blond-haired blue-eyed kids.
Sure Debbie Row claims to be the mother to two of them and says Michael ain't their daddy, but then where did the third kid come from?
Also, there were never any adoptions by him of any of the three.
This begs the question how the legal community allowed a several-time-alleged pedophile to have three kids that he had no legal right to living under his roof?
But now we are being told we must overlook the fact a several-time-alleged pedophile obtained three kids somehow to live with him and overlook a lot of other things he did.
Why? Because he sang some songs and sold a lot of records. The worst part is that is exactly what people are doing.
Is it any wonder this country is so screwed up?
But hey, the internet had its busiest day Saturday with people registering for tickets to the Circus at the Staples center in Los Angeles.

Tickets are free, but you'll have to be really lucky to get these tickets.
That's right, you'll have to be really lucky to get these tickets to witness the Superbowl of funerals for a many-time-alleged pedophile.
The one really great thing about this circus is that with the economy down and many small businesses closing, at least the small entrepreneurs selling tee shirts will do well.
There is a couple of other celebrity deaths that rumor has it the authorities are investigating how they may somehow be associated with Michael Jackson's death.
There is a rumor that the death of Michael Jackson caused the death of Billy Mays. Rumor has it Michael Jackson was the largest purchaser of OxiClean because he thought the Oxi was OxiContin and the clean would make him able to pass a drug test.
Upon the shock of Billy Mays hearing the largest purchaser of OxiClean had died, Billy's heart quit.
The second rumor is when Steve McNair told his girlfriend if he won tickets to Jackson's funeral that he was taking his wife instead of her, McNair's girlfriend was so distraught she got the gun out of the drawer and shot McNair and then shot herself.
That's just a few of the many rumors.
I suspect this circus will be in town for a long time and bring out many more clowns.
Welcome back.
I think Liz Taylor read your blog because she just canceled her plans to go to the Jackson memorial. She had Barry Manilow signed up as her escort to it must have been important to her before your blog came out. NY Rep King also said he is not going because Jackson was not a hero to be idolized. Gene
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