Monday, June 29, 2009

The Caper Crusader

As I travel down the gravel ridden ridges in the forest I un-chorus in a choral a’ choragic agric courses that are cording in a course of coronal aseptic torches, torching Trojan horses hoarding hormonal forces forming formulistic flicks of that filthily flavored formula, a storm erection wrecking in pen-perfected portions of an ominous and dominant dawn-drawn on an ottoman, an automatic manic attack-attacking all of them, I’m sickle celled and spelled with repellent pellets and picketing, a fickle fiend who’s feigning for follicle rollick seasonings, a volatile and versatile spillage of pillaged pillaging, just bringing heated helium treats-retreat and tickle tease that treason breezing bred for attack-tact smacking mysteries, tag teaming liquid lyric relapse-Jack coking whisperings with purring turban turbulent tracks-of racket happenings, he happens to be made out of straps-of rapping allergies all stinging slang derangement on tap-with fact and actually, I’m slinging rings of Ritalin raps-with raspy rationings, while rational and passion full packed-with cracked infracted rings, I’m rapturous while wrapped in a sack-nap sacking tragedy whose tragedy traps too many tracks-of tragic factorings, a factory of gory in allegory and aniseed, breeding flavored flavorful speak-in speed delivery, deliver witticisms with cynic brittle and written riddles, ridding rhombic rhetoric romps-with bombs of folk that fiddle, fickle tickle trickling tricks-of slips that skittle scuttle puddles cuddled under a blunder of thunder wonder bread, I’m bred from mental vengeful attack-reactions in the head, I’m heading down the path of a pathological prodigy, philology of all of that philosophic philosophy, atrocity to all the all-too-normal abnormities, enormity enormous so form a chorus and christen me, the tiger of rhyme design and written fire perspiring, performing spreading led in the afternoon, evening and morning, start mourning cause the coroner’s owner is close to cornering, the corner market marketing marvelous flavored capering.

Written by Tyler Wagner

Written by my son of course.

Due to a weird work schedule you will just have to check back daily to see when I have another post.


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