What Our Dogs Can Teach Us
I know you are supposed to think in the 'now' terms, but sometimes it pays to go back in time.
I remember in the old days people used to get together for picnics and potluck dinners.
It seemed like there was always a reason to have one back then, but as time progressed five words crept into our vocabularies and people stopped having these fun get-togethers.
"Oh I'm just too busy."
I'm sure you have heard them used or even said them yourself. People nowadays use that term way too much.
Retired people use them, semi-retired people use them, working people use them, non-working people use them. It seems everyone has bought into these words and they use them every time you see them.
We have become so busy being busy that we don't do fun things anymore because we are just too busy.
Well, that's where dogs come in.
Any responsible person knows that no matter how busy you convince yourself you are, there is always time for that faithful companion dog who is never too busy for you.
The dogs work very hard in teaching us there are certain times when you just have to quit thinking how busy you are and do something different and include your favorite dog.
My dog has done that to the extent she has reminded me of what picnics and potlucks are.
Case in point - Saturday my dog Zoe' invited her dog pals and their parents over for a picnic.
Eighteen of Zoe's friends and nineteen of their parents came to Zoe's back yard for a potluck picnic.
That's right, you read it correctly, including Zoe' there were nineteen dogs and twenty-one people.
This was not the first time either, rather it was the fifth time this group with the common bond of dogs has taken the time to enjoy a day of conversation and good food.
I think over time people have forgotten what fun potlucks can be. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, not to mention taking a day out of that busy schedule to just do nothing but socialize, eat and relax.
That's a valuable lesson we learn from our dogs!!
You think we don't like dogs?
Every year, $1.5 billion is spent on pet food. This is four times the amount spent on baby food.
An American Animal Hospital Association poll showed that 33 percent of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine while away.
Some 39 percent of pet owners say they have more photos of their pet than of their spouse or significant other.
Only 21 percent say they have more photos of their spouse or significant other than of their pet.
And with that, I'm so busy I gotta run.

Take time out of your busy day tomorrow to check in and see if there is anything of interest.
Great one,and you hit the nail on the head, our pets in many cases
show us the real meaning of enjoying life.
I'll second that!!
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